The Primigenio Tales: Book 1
Paranormal Romance
October 1, 2016

Review by Tina
Member of The Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Life In Moonlight begins with Eamon obsessing over a dancer, Lauryl. He has watched her since she was a teenager. She’s lively and opinionated and quite the troublemaker in her youth. Now, she’s a young woman with an amazing dance talent, but she’s fallen on hard times.
Lauryl returns home after a stint in rehab to her dance company which is now owned by Eamon. Eamon is completely taken with her and sets out to make her his new companion. Lauryl doesn’t feel as enamored with him, however, she’s falling for the man who was her therapist during and after rehab. He has since severed professional ties with her.
This story had interesting moments. When Beightol explained the history of the vampires in her story I was very intrigued. When Eamon and Lauryl go to Europe, and Lauryl spends most of her time with two other vampires in the city, I enjoyed the story but that’s the end of my enjoyment.
I liked Lauryl’s character for the most part. I could understand where she was coming from and the way she dealt with her life made sense. I even liked her therapist, though his feelings for her during therapy were hugely unprofessional, I could see past that and to the love they had for each other. However, theirs isn’t the romance this story focuses on.
This story is focused on Eamon and Lauryl. While I liked Lauryl and enjoyed her character, I couldn’t find a shred of me that liked Eamon. He’s all around a bad person and maybe that’s because he’s a vampire and maybe that was intended, but I just couldn’t get into him. Not to say no reader could, I’m sure there are some that would swoon over him. He just wasn’t my cup of tea. I don’t like the way he treats the women in his life.
The thing I liked least about this story is that it’s labeled as a Paranormal Romance and if you look at Amazon, a “teen romance.” This story isn’t teen at all and has a few explicit sex scenes, but I digress. Romance wouldn’t be the first word I’d use to describe this story. The true romance between the main character, Eamon, and the woman he truly loves, Amelie, doesn’t begin until 60-70% through the story. Most of the story doesn’t focus on the main romantic line, and that was a huge problem for me.
In all honesty, I wouldn’t recommend this book to anyone, especially those who fight for women’s rights. The main character puts women down and tries to control them far too much for my liking. This book just wasn’t for me.
Thank you for reviewing the book! I really appreciate it!