The McCoys Book 6
Historical Romance
Class Act Books
July 14, 2016

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
Oh Ms. Sweeney, I have been reading your work for many, many years. Before anyone realized that you are the bomb!!!! This new book in The McCoys Series has me waiting every two weeks for your next release and this book 6 The Lost Sons did not disappoint.
We have known for a long while, Quinton’s son Padraig met and married a young wife in Nebraska, with her having a very “big’ secret. We never knew if it would be ever needed to be exposed AFTER all this time. So I must thank you for tying up that loose end and letting us learn of the repercussions here in the Lost Sons. It was one of the sweetest and emotional stories in this series. I must admit tissues are a must if you are following this series. Very emotional for the reader.…..
When you read The McCoys as I have, I did have thoughts of another lost son, but we had no real evidence to go on. I am so glad this boy was discovered…He will be such a wonderful asset to this family and my love goes out to both who have joined the fold.
The last book 7 is the ‘mystery child’ Brigit….The daughter of Quinton McCoy….I cannot wait to see her…I have only met her in this book at the wedding. Quinton’s daughter has been a shadow in this story….Let’s Hear Her Roar!