Senses Series
MM Romance
Dreamspinner Press
March 18, 2016

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Arik Bosler’s life and soul revolve around painting, only an injury to his hand causing his skin to tighten and a loss of a lot of nerves have all but put an end to his painting career.
When Arik receives a call from Ken Brighton offering him the opportunity to come to his home and work with him Arik can’t find the words to say no. If nothing else meeting Ken, a painter he admires is worth the trip.
Ken and his partner Patrick we met in a previous book in this series, Ken the painter and Patrick the opera singer who can no longer speak. They also have a daughter Hannah who suffered from leukemia so catching up with them and others we have met was wonderful.
Ken and Patrick realize immediately what is going on with Arik but they refuse to allow him to just walk away from his talent. As Ken put it, his talent comes from inside him not from his hand, he has to learn how to paint again in a different way.
Arik is determined to try even if it means starting with pencils. One night at dinner he meets Reg Thompson the owner of the town garage and a huge man with a bald head and tattoos. The mere sight of Reg sends Arik hiding behind anything he can find. Although he is attracted to Reg he is also frightened of him. Arik is a small man, a little over five foot two inches but Reg is drawn to him and tries to find out what there is about him that scares Arik.
Arik does begin to feel safe around Reg until an incident at the garage sends Arik running for the hills. Something happened that he is unwilling to talk about and I am unwilling to reveal. Needless to say he does eventually talk it over with Reg. Arik lives in the past and allows it to control his life it is something he has to learn to overcome. The past can affect your present and your future and everything he dreams of one day having depends on his burying his past.
A story of two men totally opposite who find each other with a little help from their friends. Another amazing character is little Bobby Jo who lives at the children’s home, a little girl born with a deformed hand and who has had to undergo various surgeries. All she wants to know is if her hand is better will she be adopted. I have to admit that I am so happy that I was introduced to Andrew Grey’s books because I know that I am in for an emotional roller coaster ride and I love every minute of it. Mr. Grey is one of the only authors capable of bringing a tear to my eye.