Senses #5
M/M Romance
Dreamspinner Press
September 14, 2015

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Twenty-nine year old Garrett Bowman has had a very difficult live. Garrett is deaf and has been trying to be independent, something not easily achieved due to his deafness. Garrett has made a wrong turn while driving, he is running out of gas, has no job prospects and only twenty dollars in his pocket. Once again all the odds are against him until he sees a barn hoping there is someone there.
For the first time Garrett’s luck is about to change because he has found himself on the property belonging to Connor O’Malley and his partner Dan Harrington. If you read book four than you know about them two men who have adopted three children all challenged. Jerry with Muscular Dystrophy, Lila who has finally begun to walk and little Janey who they adopted four months ago and like Garrett is deaf.
Dan and Connor have made sure that everyone learned sign language so Garrett is finally able to explain his situation. Connor not only offers him a job but a place to live. The other member of the family is Wilson Haskins, he is the one that takes care of the home and the children. When Wilson and Garrett see each other there is an instant attraction but neither man knows if the other is gay or not. Even if they are both gay, which of course they are, they live in the home of Dan and Connor and it would make it difficult in addition to Wilson being ten years older than Garrett.
As far as the children are concerned Garrett is the best thing ever, he is able to converse with Janey and understands exactly what she is experiencing since they have both been deaf since birth. He works at the farm and helps everyone with their signing skills. In spite of the fact that Garrett finally has a place to live, a job and people who seem to really care about him past experience leaves him doubtful that this will last. In time the relationship with Wilson grows but a phone call from Wilson’s brother Reginald endangers the entire family. I have no intention of divulging anything else.
As always Andrew Grey amazes me, he made me fully realize the impact that being deaf has on a person. He is able to express how a deaf person feels when surrounded by others all talking at once. He also brought to light how even the act of making love could be difficult when a person is unable to verbally express themselves. I don’t know what research Mr. Grey did but he did an amazing job of making me feel the frustration a deaf person feels. As always Mr. Grey touched my emotions, but then whenever I read one of his books it is exactly what I expect to happen.
Although this series doesn’t have to be read in order missing any of them would be a mistake but then missing any of his books would be.