M/M Romance
Beaten Track Publishing
December 15, 2017

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Review Chair for Paranormal Romance Guild
Again, I am speechless! I have just finished reading this third novel, written by a very new author Roe Horvat. Since July 2017, after reading the Layover, I have been stalking Amazon for other releases and was rewarded in September for Dirty Mind and now this the latest for December. Where has this person been?
We learn Roe is also a talented graphic artist, living in Sweden. I need more writing and when you read any one of these books you will agree, they get better and better. One of the authors strongest traits is the ability to describe in such detail, that I feel I am there. I am learning Europe thru these stories and feel like I have been there. The world building is astounding!
The character of Simon is the epitome of the saying ‘the glass is half empty” We follow Simon’s life journey as if it was our own, that’s the only way I can express how wrung out I felt walking it with him. Truly, I felt the cold sleet, his pressing fear, pressing down on me.
Meeting Simon at first, we see him living in a grey world….totally void of color….We watch him, zombie like, sloshing through a day by day life. It is painful and to the authors credit keeps the reader so engrossed that when Mateg returns the color and dazzle hit us like lightening!! We follow though the angst and pain with Simon, so we can rejoice with bursts of color coming back into his life.
Roe Horvat is truly a new gem for readers to find!! I will be back to stalking Amazon for the next wonderful read.