Horror, Short Reads, Novella
Mary Patterson Thornburg
January 11, 2017

If anyone ever deserved to suffer a terrible magic, the Reverend DeWayne Love Griffith is the very man who does. Clothilde hasn't the slightest doubt about that. And Grandmother always said Clothilde would have the power to use that magic...
But what if Grandmother was wrong?
Available at Amazon.
Reviewed by Tina
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Madame Clothilde is a witch or sorceress of sorts. She runs a shop in New Orleans selling potions and such. In the beginning of the story, we get a little background information on Madame Clothilde, her grandmother and a man named James Duffy who was at one time a romantic interest of hers.
She is in New Orleans because of Duffy but I feel her destined reason for being there lies somewhere else.
Danielle is an eleven year old girl who ventures to Madame Clothilde’s shop requesting that Madame Clothilde kill her step-father. Madame Clothilde is unsuccessful of talking her out of this venture and once she finds out why the little girl wants her step-father dead, she is on board with the idea.
Clothilde instructs Danielle that the killing must be of her doing and her choice that Madame Clothilde is mere the instrument Danielle uses to do the killing. I won’t give away the ending by telling you what Danielle ultimately decides but it may surprise you.
I found myself sucked into the story by Thornburg’s wonderful writing. It has been a long time since I’ve read a book written quite like this and is was refreshing. I loved the way she told the story but found myself wanting more. I feel the ending was abrupt and left a few questions unanswered.
James Duffy seemed critical to the plot in the first few pages and I really wanted to know what happened to him. Did Clothilde go to find him? Did she kill him? Did they live happily ever after? Maybe his part of the story wasn’t vital and if that is the case then he could have been left out completely.
I would recommend this story to anyone looking for a haunting short read. It really is well written and enjoyable.