REVIEW : Making Perfect Sense- When Only The Truth Matters- The Perfect Series Book 3- Beth Gelman

Making Perfect Sense Book Cover Making Perfect Sense
When Only The Truth Matters- The Perfect Series Book 3
Beth Gelman
Multicultural Interracial Romance, Romantic Comedy
Cindy Ziegelman Enterprises, LLC;
Aug 25, 2023


Trudie returns home from the glamorous New York Gala, shattered by the lies Dr. Alexander Pierce has told her, she must find a way to untangle truth from fiction. As she is forced to work alongside the pompous, gorgeous, and selfish Alex, Trudie must find a way to regain her focus on her students and her own life.

With a past filled with childhood trauma still affecting them as adults, Trudie and Alex must learn to trust one another if they are to heal and pave a way for their future. Alex still has lessons to teach Trudie's wanton body and Trudie continues teaching him how to get what he wants without being a jerk. They must figure it out before the school year ends, if not for themselves but for the kids whose lives depend on it.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

After attending a gala with Alex in New York Trudie returned home alone. While Alex was giving a speech his ex-fiancé sat next to Trudie revealing that she and Alex had rekindled their relationship, and that Trudie did not belong in their social circle. Heartbroken she ran and refused to give Alex a chance to explain. Running has always been her go to reaction.

Alex and Trudie still have six more months of working together with high-risk students at Hart Middle School where Trudie is a teacher. Trudie could not come to terms with what happened at the gala, giving more credence to what Alex’s ex had to say than letting him tell her the truth. When she finally allowed Alex to explain what happened and the fact that he had not seen his ex in years and would never be with her. He was the one who cancelled their wedding after she cheated so as far as he is concerned, she is history.

From the time they first met Alex and Trudie were looking for more, but she ran away again and returned home. Reconnecting after everything is settled, they can’t keep away from each other and the sex between them could set the sheets, desk, and couch, on fire. Nowhere was taboo for them and their feelings for each other grew strong. Unfortunately, they both have childhoods that have followed them into adulthood.

For fifteen years Trudie’s father was out of their life, no phone calls, no letters, total absence. She remembers her childhood where her father was always missing out on important occasions due to his job and when he came home, he was an angry, hostile man that made her mother and brothers weary of being around him. Trudie always compared him to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde because you never knew who would make an appearance.

Her troubles with her father have led to her adult fear of being left. That is the problem she must deal with so that her relationship with Alex will become a healthy one. Alex also suffers from his past unlike Trudie, he comes from money, lots of it, and he and his two sisters were pawns used by their parents. Forced to attend affairs with no control of their childhood and now as adults they are still expected to jump when their parents say jump. Where Trudie was afraid of giving herself totally to Alex despite loving him and always worried that he would leave, Alex’s childhood made him into an angry man.

Alex and Trudie are always there for each other and work at overcoming the effect that their childhoods had on them. Adding to all the feelings she still carries around because of her father, she is advised that he is dying, and her mom wants her to see him and give him a chance to make amends. She does do the right thing and visit him, but she can’t hide her true feelings and lets her father know what she thinks of him. When she brings Alex to meet him, he is less than polite re-enforcing her opinion of him.

The plan Trudie and Alex are putting together is to help children like them who are having less than happy lives. Amazingly some of the ideas they put into effect begin to show a marked improvement in some of the children they are working with. I found myself thinking back to my childhood and realized that my parents had a very negative effect on my brother. My parents fought all the time making my brother believe they hated each other, and that love was what he experienced when he watched the old-time romances. Of course, I realized that they didn’t know how to not fight but till their deaths they loved each other.

I wonder if after reading this book you can see some of your adult behavior having begun from childhood. Trudie and Alex found what worked for them which I won’t reveal but trust me it is hot. This is the last book in the series, and I highly recommend reading them in order.

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