A PsyCop Short
M/M Paranormal
JCP Books, LLC
November 13, 2015

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
I love the PsyCop series. I love Jacob Marks and Victor Bayne. I love this author for granting us little sexy excerpts with our guys…a teaser of 5000 words based on a word. This one is called Memento.
Jacob is always dressed in a very finely cut suit, Vic has grown from punk tee shirts combat boots and biker jackets to off the rack polyester… So when one morning he is sifting through a drawer he comes upon a very old worn tee shirt and is going to toss it.
Somehow it touches Jacob, wanting to hold the material close, feeling he could visualize the boy Vic was when he was young and carefree. This story was in Jacob’s point of view and it is an exceptionally telling of the now very strong love, attraction and devotion he now has for Vic…and always very very sexy.
Thanks JCP…and I just wanted to mention another addition to Jordan’s repertoire is a standalone book, written about a TV show called Magic Mansion with 12 magicians living in the Mansion vying for a grand prize. Just finished that as well…See my review.