Fantasy Romance

Amazon Link: amazon
A siren seeking revenge. A man obsessed. A love born from the dark sea.
Everything changed the moment Scarlett’s ex killed her. But in death, the God of the Sea gave her life. Now, she spends her days enacting her revenge on the man who murdered her.
Until Scarlett discovers a drowning man in the sea…one she can’t help but feel drawn to. But saving Tristan comes with more consequences than either of them are ready for.
Can Scarlett let go of her vengeance against the man who took her life? Or will her heart sink along with the chance to find happiness once more?
For as long as Tristan can remember, he’s been fascinated with the ocean. It’s why he became an oceanographer in the first place. When things go sideways while trying to secure the funding Tristan’s company needs to save the seas, he discovers the truth about what lies beneath the waves.
And now that he’s seen her— his mermaid—he knows there isn’t anything that will stop him from finding her again and making her his.
Even if it kills him.
Can Tristan convince his siren to give up her vengeful song and set herself free? Or will he become another casualty of the ocean’s most wicked predator in the process?
Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Amazon Link: amazon
Scarlet Blumberg met a violent death when her husband Chad bound her and through her off a cliff into the ocean. She tried desperately to escape but, in the end, she succumbed to lack of air and died alone.
Then by some miracle Scarlet found herself a mermaid no longer human but living. She missed her life but found some satisfaction in tormenting her killer. When she saw a man fall overboard during a storm, she couldn’t resist the urge to save him, which she did. Then the most impossible thing happened he saw her and jumped back into the water to follow where she went.
Now Scarlet once again must save the stubborn human who wouldn’t give up his search for her. Rescue teams are already searching for him, so she has to find a way to get him to safety without endangering herself and the pod. Wiping his memory she concentrates on her next visit with Chad.
Tristan is an Oceanographer who wants answers to what happened when he fell overboard, and his curiosity could bring him face to face with danger.
This was a short story, so I don’t want to give anything away other than it was a story of death and a reawakening. Surprises, romance and giving up vengeance to begin a new life.