MM Romance
Andrew Grey Books
June 15, 2021

Unjustly accused of a crime, Ky Archer is trying to keep his ranch together, with fierce tenacity and minimal help. With his nefarious accuser the lead wolf at the door, Ky is resolved to do whatever he has to in order to keep the final link with his family intact.
Brodie Tyler is down on his luck--way down. Down enough to camp with his baby sister in a tent to get away from relatives he’d hoped would help him. His parents are gone and he's got nowhere to go, but he’s determined to keep his sister safe with him, no matter what.
Ky finds Brodie and Emily on his property and takes them in out of the storm… literally. Neither expects the heat that ignites between them to be as hot as the western sun. The men find they fit together well, both at work and in the bedroom. They also find they have a common enemy who tries to tear them apart. Working together, they might discover that each holds the key for the other’s desire.
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Ky Archer is trying to rebuild the family ranch after the death of his mom and him being falsely accused of burning down Jacob Tyler’s barn that led to the death of Jacob’s son. In spite of being cleared of all charges Jacob has made it his life’s mission to constantly remind the town’s people of what happened. Ky keeps to himself working on the ranch and refusing Jacob’s constant offers to buy the ranch the same offers he made to his mother who also refused time and again.
Preparing for an upcoming storm Ky notices a fire burning on his property and when he investigates, he finds a young man trying to cook a meal for his eighteen-month-old sister Emily. Ky knows that their tent will never protect them and he invites them home. This act of kindness will change the lives of three people, Ky alone and still living with the horror of that night that took the man he loved and Brodie Tyler who found himself raising his little sister after his mother’s death. Then there is adorable little Emily who needs a home filled with love and all the things’ children need to grow up healthy and safe.
Brodie came to his cousin Jacob for help and it didn’t take long before he realized what a huge mistake that was but now a stranger has welcomed them into his home, supplied them with the necessities and given Brodie hope even while he fears that it will not work out well. Although Brodie and Ky just met there was a feeling of comfort between them and it didn’t hurt that Emily instantly wrapped Ky around her little finger. As the days go by Brodie and Ky find themselves looking at each other as more than friends but Jacob isn’t finished with Brodie or Ky and sends Child Services to investigate how Emily is doing but once again, he fails in his attempt to cause trouble.
Well, I have one more character I loved and that was Ky’s bible thumping Aunt Rita who constantly tries to get Ky to change his ways and marry a girl and have kids but underneath it all she is a woman devoted to her nephew and doesn’t hesitate to go tigress on anyone who hurts him. Her desire for Ky to find a woman is not done with hatred just concern, there is more to her than meets the eye and Emily loves her and we all know that kids and animals have a sixth sense about people.
Wonderful characters, (well except for Jacob) sex, an adorable little girl, three dogs who watch her and protect her an amazing aunt even though her views on being gay are antiquated and an answer to what happened the night the barn burned and Ky’s lover died and it was quite a surprise.
When I get an Andrew Grey book to read and review, I jump at it because I am guaranteed a beautiful story about love and love is love no matter the gender.