Lavender Shores - Book 1
M/M Romance
Wings of Ink Publications, LLC
June 20, 2017

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer ad Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
Rosalind Abel is a new author with her first Indie published book. Our guild has always looked to new authors loving their new ideas, new stories. As announced on Facebook at his cover reveal, this story will be Brandon’s first entry writing as Rosalind Abel. Brandon Witt has changed his ‘voice’ for this book. Mr. Witt known for his gay fiction has looked for and found his feminine side (no pun intended) and written a beautiful, sexy love story!
We meet Andrew Kelly, living in Lavender Falls, son of one of the founding families. Andrew, a young man happy to live in this small town, having no desire to leave. We find him having Thursday dinner with his family. Just that one moment in time he looks up and glances across the room, his eyes meets the beautiful green eyes of Joel Rhodes……..and the earth moves!
Yes I know, cheesy ……but the heat of their meeting sizzles off the pages, both young men in their own way needing, yearning to find a way to connect. Joel is from San Fran, the big city. He is in town on business to close a real estate deal. They only have a few short days, then it will be over and do they make the best of it, in the hall, in the shower, on the couch, on the floor, on the bed!! But all the while, the author makes it NOT A HOOKUP……The L word is invoked!
I adored these two young men, our author brought us into both their heads with both POV’s. The secondary characters were also wonderful with Andrew’s Dad there for light moments. We need them cause true love never runs smoothly right?
The words, the descriptions of the Palisades were truly breathtaking. Brandon as Rosalind you are truly a romance author…..Cannot wait for returning to Lavender Falls!
#Steamy, #sexy, # Romance, #Brandonyourockedit