Fantasy Romance
Excessica Publishing
June 25, 2014

Krystina Diana Hedge, tall, curvy and red-haired, is an eccentric photographer who enjoys an alternative lifestyle. Her life is a quiet but pleasant one. She is content until, on a day when she is taking “photos of mundane things,” she finds an exquisite male pixy, helplessly bound up in a spider’s web.
Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
This book is a combination of the original three novellas and now the entire story is told in one book.
Krystina (Krys) Diana Hedge is a photographer who specializes in taking pictures of objects others would not even contemplate taking. One day she focused her camera on a giant spiderweb and saw what appeared to be an insect trapped in the web. The insect turned out to be a beautiful little pixie and she gently removed him saving him from becoming the spiders next meal. At home she carefully removed any traces of the web that was holding him prisoner and in spite of the fact that he was no bigger than her finger she felt a strong attraction to him.
When it became impossible for Krys to understand him she yelled out for him to become big and speak her language which amazingly is what happened. Standing before her is a gorgeous full grown man with the most beautiful periwinkle eyes. Since he advised her that he had no name she named him Perry Black. It took no time at all for the two of them to find themselves having sex and for the first time in his life Perry found himself safe and happy.
Perry is a Pixali who belonged to a woman who claimed him and then left him to die. The Pixali use men as ornaments and for companionship and they didn’t count very much. As they became adults their magic was capped and they could be claimed and essentially became slaves to the woman who claimed them. Now Perry has found himself claimed by a woman he loves being with but he also knows that other Pixali may come looking for him. He prefers sleeping in his pixie size and in order to be protected he insisted that Krys put him in a steel parrot cage.
Perry was correct because Krys found herself being attacked by Pixali trying to rescue Perry, they were his sisters and now he found himself unable to protect Krys because of the cage he wanted to be in for protection. Perry’s sisters and other Pixali have always believed that the Giants were evil and dangerous and it would take some convincing from Perry and Krys to convince them that he was safe and happy.
The next time Perry was taken it was not by his sisters but it was by a pixie sent by his mother to bring him home. It would take Krys allowing herself to be shrunken and Perry’s sisters to find him and save him.
This book had bondage, kidnapping and a lot of sex. I enjoyed the characters in the book especially Perry, Krys and their siblings. It is not often you read a story where one of the lovers can carry the other around in her pocket.