Summer can be bittersweet. Too short. Too hot. Full of adventures that can never last long enough. First loves. And lost ones. The second volume in the Queer Windows series brings you four new short stories led by queer characters from across the spectrum. Queer Windows gives a glance at four fantastical, queer love stories.
Camp Spinytooth
Summer camp is more fun with dragons. And a little ‘friendly’ competition.
A Silent Ballad
Being a siren without a voice doesn’t mean you can’t find your place in the world.
River at the End
As a new traverser of the otherworlds, Aysel keeps an eye on the time as she completes her errands before a final goodbye.
Star Chaser
When you wish upon a star, you expect that wish to come true. Even if it may take some time.
Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Four short stories about lost loves and found loves. The stories consisted of dragons, a silent siren, a star chaser and a summer camp.
Camp Spinytooth is a camp where two boys find each other after a lot of suspicion. Peng shares a cabin with his best friend Rennie only a new roommate, Ophir joins them. Ophir was part of Umbertail camp and Peng believes he is there to spy. Both boys are punished for trying to steal the Umbertail flag and are sent to clean the barn of dragons. A story of understanding.
A Silent Ballad is Kyruse and Nico’s story. Kyruse suffered the loss of her voice but insists on going to areas forbidden for her. If she is found by humans, she is unable to sing out for help and could lead to her death. She is found by a human, Nico who runs the lighthouse and means no harm to Kyruse. A lesson learned that not all humans are bad.
River at the End is Aysel’s story, a story about death. Aysel’s grandmother taught her how to travel otherworld’s and now Aysel finds herself taking her grandmother to her resting place after a long life.
Star Chaser is Greysen and Edwin(a)’s story. Greysen finds fallen stars and returns them to the people who made wishes on them. Unfortunately, so many stars are impossible to return to the owner of the wishes and Edwin is ready with an idea of how to find them.
Edwin befriends Greysen’s daughter Ellie and reveals that he is a female and that was when Edwina was born.
Each story was about finding love and acceptance. Every main character was gay, some finding themselves and others already accepted for who they were.