Little Goddess Book 8
M/M/M/F UF/Fantasy/Romance
DSP Publications
May 2, 2017

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
It’s Finally Here…….Fans waited 7 years!!!!! It was soooooo worth the wait…..
I am 75 years old and am gushing !!!. Might not be pretty, but I have felt like I know Amy Lane forever; following her from her beginnings to a super star!!! Little Goddess Series was an Indie self published story, which in the early turn of 2000 was followed by a cadre of readers who ‘knew’ and trusted this young woman had talent and would follow her forever. I am proud to say I Believed.
This story we followed was a young girl Cory Ann, working at a convenience store, meeting Adrian a vampire and falling in love. (told you it was early in 2000) We fans followed Cory meeting Green with Adrian and moving on to Greenshill. She has a lover, a husband and an unintentional consort.
There is so much story you won’t want to miss, so please start from the beginning and join the gang….. see Cory growing into the fearless Goddess she is intended to become. Now it is her moment for fear, pregnant with Green’s and Bracken’s babies and trying to protect her people…..The sudden realization she is becoming a MOTHER.
I’ve waited for so long to read this story, I found myself actually weeping as Adrian visited Green in the Goddess Grove; reverent place for Green, Cory and Bracken, because it was made by love.
I smiled thru the pages slowly feeling more and more at home, seeing all our familiar friends dotting the pages, going on a ‘run’, afraid for the outcome. All this so familiar, so very much missed.
We plan for the babies, each of them in different ways. Should be another great adventure.
Volume 2 cannot come soon enough