By Fire Series, Book 1
M/M Romance
Dreamspinner Press

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Dirk Krause is a firefighter in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. One of the fires Dirk was at turned out to be beyond control. The house was falling apart around him, but in spite of the danger, he was determined to save the infant he had in his arms. The last thing Dirk remembered was someone taking the child from him and then blackness.
Awakening in the hospital Dirk, finds himself with partially burned lungs and an injured arm. During the week in the hospital, not one of his fellow firefighters comes to see him until the new guy, Lee, Stockton shows up with flowers. Five minutes with Dirk, and Lee realizes he is every bit the ass the other guys said he was. But Lee does not give up and visits Dirk every day. No matter how hard Dirk tries to get him to leave, Lee does not go. Lee looks Dirk right in the eye and called him a closet case, gay, but refusing to face it.
Is Dirk’s denial about being gay the reason he is always bitter and angry? Is he afraid that the other firefighters will find out and turn against him? Can he finally accept who he is and see that Lee is on his side and cares about him? Will nearly dying give Dirk a new outlook on life and what really matters?
This is a novella about a man who needs to learn to like himself and accept who he is, and the man willing to help him find happiness. I enjoyed this story, but there really wasn’t that much depth to the characters, so I am looking forward to the next book in the series to find out more about Dirk and Lee.