Return on Investment
MM Romance
44 Raccoons
April 14, 2016

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
What can I say about this author? Anything Aleks puts words to excites, demands, enriches a reader to another level. We have already read the first book in this series, and now our author gifts us with another look into the life of these two men, who walked through flames to come together in the first book. Aleks gives us Francis and Martin six years later…OMG the luxury of it.
I must say, beginning the story my hands trembled, seeing Emanuel; knowing the hold he has over Francis, which is most disconcerting and put fear in my heart again. This story again brings us to see how this relationship has grown and now our author gives us more of Francis and his past, allowing Martin to be his rock.
As only Mr. Voinov can do, bringing out the best and worst of us, allowing the reader to take the ride. Martin has certainly grown, but Francis changed. This second story gives us the chance for Francis to face his ghosts, his failings and his fears; that he has carried like a stone in his heart for a very long time.
We meet both families, which we have never done before. Francis attending Martin’s family gathering, Francis returning to NY to deal with his father, who he denounced years ago, needing Martin to go with him….. The story was incredibly fraught with twists and turns. The author takes my heart in his hands, I worry…I cheer… I cry. This time Francis ‘needs’ and Martin is his strength. We are there to see forgiveness, redemption and a relationship grow stronger, more loving, more trust.
Our friend Carsten has a great part returning and a great treat, and the story with Francis and Martins families give us hints for more follow up stories. Wow so much to look forward too. As always a great treat to read a Voinov novel. 5 Stars