REVIEW: Salad on the Side – Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat #1 – Karenna Colcroft

Salad on the Side Book Cover Salad on the Side
Real Werewolves Don’t Eat Meat #1
Karenna Colcroft
MM Paranormal Romance
Vegan Wolf Productions

Amazon Link: amazon

When Kyle Slidell was transferred to Boston by his company, he didn't expect to start crushing on his new neighbor, Tobias Rogan.

He didn't expect Tobias to say yes to a date.

And he sure as hell didn't expect to be attacked by a werewolf while picking strawberries for his dinner with Tobias--or to become a werewolf himself.

Even as a werewolf, Kyle maintains his veganism. He's the only known were who can outstubborn his wolf, the only one who isn't bound by the compulsion power possessed by alphas, and the only known *male* mate of a male Alpha. Because that's who Tobias turns out to be: Alpha of the pack Kyle has unknowingly been living among.

Which is the last thing Kyle expected.

Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Amazon Link: amazon

Kyle Slidell moved to Boston when his company gave him a huge raise. His life is simple, wake up, eat, take the train to work and arrive home late. Next day repeat. He doesn’t bother with his neighbor’s other than nodding hello or waving. There is one neighbor that he is very attractive to but doesn’t know if he is gay or if he wants a relationship.
One night while Tobias Rogar was in the garden Kyle saw him standing naked which just heightened his level of lust. On his way to work Tobias approached him and from there Kyle’s life would never be the same.
Tobias invites Kyle to his house for a party with all the neighbors and Kyle decides to attend. His first impression of the people at the party is one of suspicion because they don’t seem very happy about him being there especially a woman named Melia. Another person who will have a huge effect on his life.
While walking in the garden one-night Kyle sees a wolf and is bitten upon awakening he finds himself on the floor covered in fur and discovers everyone in the building and now himself are werewolves. The major difference between himself and the others is he is a vegan and refuses to eat meet even when his body is exhausted from shifting. Making everything stranger Tobias is the Alpha. Despite everything that has happened Kyle still wants Tobias. The rest of the pack are not happy about Tobias’ attention to Kyle and if he has a relationship with another man, he will be considered weak by all other wolves.
Tobias admits to having sex with woman and with Melia but though he is drawn to Kyle he has never been with a man. The one man he loved wound up dead, so he is weary of admitting he wants Kyle. Kyle is the only one who does not respond to Tobias’ compulsion but fear of causing trouble for Tobias he acts as is expected of him.
The pack is small, and Tobias tries not to push too much but sometimes he must do what he must to keep the pack in good standing. Kyle is the lowest member of the pack until he is attacked once again by Melia and his response raises his standing while lowering hers.
A wonderful book, I loved Tobias and Kyle and loved watching as they finally realized what they meant to each other. There is sex, betrayal, violence and surprises. This is the first shifter book I have read where the wolf is vegan and a pacifist and where same sex romance is not readily accepted, but it is a whole different take on werewolves. I can’t wait for more of Tobias and Kyle’s adventures.

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