The Serrulata Saga
MM Romance, LGBTQIA+, Erotica Romance, Sci-fi, Fantasy romance

Amazon Link: Amazon
Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Amazon Link: Amazon
Patrick Upshur is the son of a lesser Lord who survived the Weakening Fever but was left with legs that no longer worked right. It is the summer solstice which is Patrick’s favorite time of the year where he can wear a mask and where peasants and the gentry mingled together.
With his older brother Silas, Patrick decides to walk out into the garden of the tavern where he finds himself with a White Rider, elite soldiers. They are both what is referred to as backwards, not gay and they give into their desires. When they are done the White Rider, Iseul walks away, but their time together bonds them.
Iseul was given to the White Riders when he was eleven and his life has been about duty and protecting the Realm. He gave into his desires once before Patrick but now Patrick consumes much of his time. Ordered to attend a Ball for the celebration of Lord Upshur’s oldest son’s engagement, Iseul and Patrick find themselves together again and decide to find a way to be together more often.
Patrick is very close to his older brother Silas and wants to reveal to him that he is backward but fear of being hated by him keeps him quiet. He does use Silas as a mean to meeting Iseul by lying about his desire to be with a peasant girl and needs a place to be with her. It works and the love between the two men grows.
Patrick is disabled needing a cane or chair to move around and because of that his father, a tyrannical man belittles him every chance he gets. The times that Patrick and Iseul spend together is beautiful, all they want is to be able to love each other freely but even in today’s time it sometimes proves dangerous.
Iseul and Patrick decide to run away together, everything is planned until the unexpected happens leaving the two men separated and death making a visit to the Upshur home.
There are secrets, lies, verbal abuse by Patrick’s father and surprises. Another book about men wanting to love and rules forbidding it.