Legend of the Ancients:Books of Locurnia #3
Epic Fantasy, Gay Romance
Black Onyx Publishing
March 28, 2020
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
Meran has finally become a seer and his visions are horrible. Locurnia will be destroyed with his sisters dead, and the only hope is if he finds the Anigema, the gem now residing with the Draca. His quest will require the help of Lord Marshall, Leon Ricci known as the Mavish.
Leon is a warrior, and a champion at each tournament he enters. He is brutal, huge and scary but without his sword Meran has no chance of success. His first meeting with Leon did not go well but his second encounter proved successful. Meran is searching for a blue stone while Leon believes the quest is for a white stone called Amplion. Meran cannot allow Leon to know which stone they are seeking for fear of losing his help.
The quest is full of danger, but failure would result in carnage and death. They must travel and enter the territory of the Draca who are not known to be welcoming of strangers. Meran has taken the name of Zachary the Fisher and disguised himself to hide who he really is.
The quest will take them by sea and through the desert with danger always present. They travel by night to keep themselves as hidden as possible and are always searching for a safe place to camp. Meran finds himself very attracted to Leon, but Leon is unwilling to pursue anything with Meran for fear he will let his guard down.
Leon still doesn’t trust Meran but the idea of finding the Amplion is the only thing he is interested in. He has no faith in Meran’s claims to be a seer but after a while the saying “the proof is in the pudding” comes to bare.
Unfortunately, trouble comes in unexpected ways, a major storm separating Leon and Meran from each other and their provisions and horses. Wild dogs and deadly spiders just add to the already hazardous journey.
While trying to stay alive and completing their quest Leon and Meran begin to have feelings for each other, feelings that are new to Leon who keeps a tight rein on his emotions.
The story does not answer all the questions, questions that began in book one. I am fortunate to have read this series after at least three of the books were published since book one was published in 2020 and hopefully book four will not be a long wait.
Secrets, lies, suspense, surprises, sex, violence and wonderful characters. I can’t wait to continue the story of Leon, Meran and Falric and hopefully all my questions will be answered.