Taste of Love Stories Book 2
M/M Romance
Dreamspinner Press
May 23, 2011

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
This is the second novel in the series and picks up exactly where the first left off, with Darryl and Billy going on vacation with the twins. Sebastian is doing everything he can to prove that he is worthy of being the House Manager, and that he can run the restaurant. One day when he prepares to open for lunch he is robbed, but fortunately, a customer is able to stop the man. Sebastian cannot stop thanking the man for his help in recovering the money, in spite of the man’s insistence that he did nothing but trip on his way through the door taking the robber with him.
The man is the town’s newest judge, Robert Fortier, and Sebastian is instantly attracted to him. He wants to get to know Robert better but at this point has no way of knowing whether Peter feels the same attraction, or if he is even gay. Sebastian has an idea that Peter is gay, but has not come out yet. Time will tell.
As Peter and Robert get to know each other, the attraction is obviously on both sides, but Sebastian is still afraid to get involved with a man who has still not totally come out. His last boyfriend, Gregory, broke his heart two years ago when he also first came out, and decided to try as many men as he possible could. Will Peter do the same thing? Will he feel he needs to go out and experiment? But what the heart wants, the heart wants, and they are soon a couple.
Gregory’s life style has caught up with him when he comes to Sebastian for help. He has HIV, is very ill, and has no job or home. Sebastian refuses to allow the past to stand in his way of helping a man he once loved. With Peter’s help, they care for Gregory until he is able to take care of himself.
What I love most is the way the author gives you an understanding of what gays face. Peter is an elected official, who has never told anyone other than his mother that he is gay. He has never been with a man or a woman and faces the possibility that the public would turn against him if they discover is sexual preference. It is so sad that in this day and age with war, disease, murders, rapes the economy, and so many other things going on in life that gays are the one target everybody goes for. Is it because they are easier to attack? Is it ignorance? Or is it simply if you are not like me, then you doesn’t belong?
This is a love story with wonderful characters and a message as well, bigotry is not acceptable, whether it is religion or sexual preference, there is no place for it. I can’t wait to read more about these characters. You do not have to be gay to love these novels, I am not, and I am a senior citizen married for many years and can feel for every person that suffers because they are different.