REVIEW: Spades – Rose Masters

Spades Book Cover Spades
Rose Masters
Contemporary, Gay Romance
Dreamspinner Press
April 16th, 2024

Owen Hart’s wits—and his supernatural ability to read others’ emotions—give him an edge at the poker table, but his luck runs out when he gets hauled in to explain his suspicious success to the owner of Spades Casino. Or does it?

Leo Ellis is a successful businessman and criminal who launders money for other mobsters. Owen fascinates him. Sensing there is more to the man than meets the eye, Leo offers him a job as a waiter/sex-optional escort and moves Owen in.

But things get complicated when Leo’s fascination deepens into something else, and then even more so when they fall into bed together.

Having dealt with years of drama and secrecy, Owen feels vulnerable opening up to Leo. The whirlwind romance also puts Leo into a position that he never anticipated. Their emotions are tested further when Leo's most dangerous rival kidnaps Owen to use as a bargaining chip. Will Leo and his men be able to rescue him and keep him safe? Will Leo's second-in-command ever get enough of Owen's cupcakes? With any luck, love may be in the cards at Spades.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Owen Hart has a gift; he can read people’s emotions and reactions which has given him a winning edge playing poker. One night he cashed in and was leaving when he was grabbed by men and taken into the basement which he was sure would lead to his death. He was confronted by the owner of the casino, Spades, Leo Ellis, forced to drink something he supposed was poison.

When Owen woke up, he was alive and, in a room, so if they wanted him dead it would have already happened, or so he hoped. Leo is one of the best at money laundering, but he doesn’t hurt Owen, he makes him two propositions, become Leo’s escort, sex not a must and to work at the casino for which he would earn $5,000 a month plus all expenses paid. The second offer was he could just leave, which would be the most likely one, but $5,000 a month when he has no money or a real place to live proves too hard to say no to.

Accepting the position as escort and waiter supplies Owen with an amazing apartment, all the food and clothes he wants or needs and a kitchen where he can do the thing he always resorts to when stressed, baking. His baking proves to be a welcome delight for the guards in charge of protecting him, Jacob and Alex.

The only problem working in the casino is the constant bombardment of emotions from all the people causing Owen severe headaches. The only one Owen can’t read is Leo, the one person he wants to read so he knows where he stands. Owen’s first event as Leo’s escort is a benefit where he finds himself being shot at. Someone is after Leo and with Owen always being near Leo he is also in danger.

Leo insists that Owen be always guarded but even that doesn’t work, when you are a target even with guards you become vulnerable and that is what happened. Leo’s enemy, Maxwell Balor who wants the casino knows the best way to get it is to kidnap the person Balor considers his weak point.

From page one to the end, I was glued to this story particularly the two main characters, Leo and Owen. I was anxious to see how their story developed and moved on and although I won’t reveal what happened I will say that it was always interesting.

There is betrayal, lies, secrets, surprises, romance and sex and as a bonus the author has added a short story at the end. Which was a pleasant surprise.

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