The Guardians Book 2
Paranormal Romance
Etopia Press
October 15, 2015

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
This is the second book in the Guardians Series and so far my favorite. Calliope Vandeen (Cal) is a student at the San Francisco College of Arts and Humanities where she is working on a degree in Classic Civilization. For years Cal has been unable to sleep for more than an hour a day and she is certain that not reaching REM sleep her life will be cut short. Her time is spent studying and her only friend is Maggie a hippie who believes in only the good in people, this is something she will soon learn is very wrong.
On the way out of a class Cal is kidnapped and undergoes every manner of torture. Her teeth are loose, her ribs are broken and with every torture she is asked the same questions “where was her spiritmate” how many Guardians lived in the city” and the questions and torture went on and on. When her kidnappers finally agreed that she wasn’t going to cooperate their next step was rape, that was when she called out for help. She had no idea that it would be Galen Alexiou a Guardian Warrior for almost 2,500 years that would answer her. He long ago gave up any hope of finding his spiritmate but suddenly she is calling out for him.
Galen knows that there is not much time left before she is violated and fortunately he makes it in time to save her the last indignity. With his healing powers he is able to fix almost all her injuries except for the ones that had already begun to heal. Cal awakens to find herself staring into the face of a man from her dreams. Galen has no doubt that the one responsible for his spiritmate’s torture is Stefan de Coldreto the leader of the rogue warriors. The problem is how did he know who Cal was when Galen didn’t know himself?
Galen is now ready to do anything to protect his spiritmate inspite of the fact that Cal is a very independent woman who does not need or want some man taking care of her. She has no idea the bond between a Guardian and his spiritmate but she will soon learn. What he never expected was that a friend from school, Paul McCormick would be so obsessed with Cal that he willingly joins forces for Stefan. He has no problem gaining entrance to Cal’s home and kidnapping one of the most important people in her life, Maggie.
In his attempt to protect Cal he makes a mistake and jumps the gun with a Claiming Ritual. If the Ritual is not completed within 48 hours he will become the enemy and she will die. He allowed his heart to rule his head now he has to protect her and hope she wants him the way he wants her. Stefan has to die and Malakai Vadim (Kai) and his spiritmate Siobhan Wheeler come to assist. We met Kai and Siobhan in book one.
I loved this book and didn’t want to put it down in spite of my husband screaming for dinner. I haven’t met a Guardian I didn’t love or a spiritmate for that matter. There are betrayals, brutality, sex and love, all the things that make up a good paranormal romance. The story never felt boring and I can’t wait to meet the next Guardian and spiritmate. The series should be read in order to fully appreciate the story line but saying that I would have loved this book even if I hadn’t read book one.