REVIEW: Tell me no Lies – The Amorous Chronicles – #1 – Melissa Solis

Tell me no Lies Book Cover Tell me no Lies
The Amorous Chronicles - #1
Melissa Solis
Paranormal Angel Romance

Amazon Link: amazon

High School Senior Brennan Hale, learns she is not entirely human, and that might get her killed.

The day I read the letter from my birth mother, my world was turned upside down and dumped out like the junk drawer that it had become. I, Brennan Hale, had been fed a lie for seventeen years.

My new neighbor Elijah claims he knows my mother, only deepening the mystery. When I flip out and want answers, he opts for a visual explanation. Suddenly he’s tugging his shirt over his head and standing in front of me with full-length jet black Angel wings and a six-pack. Both are impressive, but let’s get back to me. Elijah explains I’m the daughter of a human and a Leight. Beings we know as Angels, making me a hybrid. My very existence is forbidden and yet, Elijah was sent to keep me alive.

Elijah vows to get answers from my mother, but he’ll be forced to leave me in the hands of those who may fully endorse the Death to Hybrids campaign if they learn my secret.

Now, back to the wings and abs, I find myself torn between two worlds and two guys—Sam, who offers solace, and Elijah, who promises protection. Loving Sam means painting a target on his back. Loving Elijah, when I’m marked for annihilation, spells disaster. Death to Hybrids isn't just a threat; it's a chilling reality I can't ignore.

Review By Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Amazon Link: amazon

Seventeen-year-old Brennan Hale is starting a new school for her senior year. Her father has died leaving her in the care of her grandmother who has Rapid-Onset Alzheimer’s and now Brennan is the caregiver. Still months away from being eighteen she needs to keep her grandmother’s condition a secret.

Her first day of school introduced her to Emily assigned to be her school buddy, Sam Morgan and Elijah also new to the school. Brennan wants to stay in the background do her schoolwork and care for her grandmother, but Emily is a take no prisoners kind of girl and the more Brennan tries to stay in the background the more Emily pulls her forward.

Brennan has no idea who and what she is, and she is about to learn that the last seventeen years of her life were a lie. Her grandmother let slip about her being found on the doorstep and her father adopting her and her need for answers is something only Elijah can supply.

Elijah has been protecting Brennan since she was an infant, protecting her from Malphas and his army of creatures out to kill her. He has been advised that he must meet Brennan in human form not spiritual and find a way to be involved in her life. Being in human form has opened all sorts of emotions he never felt in the spiritual world, the strongest are his feelings for Brennan and they are more than that of a friend.

In her search for answers, she finds a letter from her mother and why she left her. Brennan is not totally human; she is a hybrid and as such she is marked for death. Elijah continues to protect her while falling for her and she feels the same. He tells her that they can’t be together, leaving Sam the opening he desperately wanted. Sam gives her a sense of peace while Elijah gives her answers and protection.

Brennan finds herself wanting both Sam and Elijah but since Elijah pushed her aside it is Sam she goes to for comfort. As a hybrid Brennan discovers her gift something all Leight has and hers is powerful.

This was a hard review to write because of all the secrets, lies, betrayal and surprises. So many times, I found myself wanting to reveal information but managed not to. The book ended in a cliffhanger but not one that would make me want to throw the book against the wall but one that left me craving more.

The characters were wonderful, and I loved them all so I can’t wait to continue their story.



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