REVIEW: Entwined – The Baby Box – Linda Palmer

The Baby Box Book Cover The Baby Box
Linda Palmer
Paranoromal, Romance
Sept 7th, 2024

Owen Hart’s wits—and his supernatural ability to read others’ emotions—give him an edge at the poker table, but his luck runs out when he gets hauled in to explain his suspicious success to the owner of Spades Casino. Or does it?

Leo Ellis is a successful businessman and criminal who launders money for other mobsters. Owen fascinates him. Sensing there is more to the man than meets the eye, Leo offers him a job as a waiter/sex-optional escort and moves Owen in.

But things get complicated when Leo’s fascination deepens into something else, and then even more so when they fall into bed together.

Having dealt with years of drama and secrecy, Owen feels vulnerable opening up to Leo. The whirlwind romance also puts Leo into a position that he never anticipated. Their emotions are tested further when Leo's most dangerous rival kidnaps Owen to use as a bargaining chip. Will Leo and his men be able to rescue him and keep him safe? Will Leo's second-in-command ever get enough of Owen's cupcakes? With any luck, love may be in the cards at Spades.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Camryn Jacobs is a witch who got waken up in the middle of the night by a knock on the door. Standing in front of the door was a man who introduced himself a Captain Declan Walsh of the Fire Department holding a baby carrier with a baby in it.

Declan explained that he saw a man going to place the baby in the baby box the place where unwanted babies could be put without any questions asked. He realized immediately that this was a witch baby by the magic circling her head. Declan claimed that she couldn’t be placed with humans, and he had no knowledge of how to care for a baby. Like Declan, Camryn also claimed to know nothing about caring for a baby and unfortunately, they were both lying.

Camryn had no intention of being alone with the baby, so Declan had to stay to help, not that he was complaining. The first order of business was to try to find the baby’s mother or father and without a name she was called Rainy, because that was the weather when she was found.

It didn’t take long before Camryn and Declan made a nice comfortable existence for Rainy for the time being and Camryn and Declan were also becoming comfortable with each other. Everything changed when Oona Moray the High Priestess of a coven came calling insisting that Camryn’s mother gave her Jacob House. Camryn knew it wasn’t a possibility and without the deed Oona had no leg to stand on.

Oona is a powerful witch and very dangerous, danger that became apparent leaving Declan and Camryn in fear. Declan is a wolf shifter and is very intuitive, so he sees Camryn’s three ghosts and seems to have some magic. Now finding a mother or father and winning against an evil, powerful witch is facing Declan and Camryn.

A wonderful story, a story about love, a story about fighting evil. Declan and Camryn were amazing characters that you can’t help rooting for from start to finish.

This is a book I can’t recommend highly enough. If, like me, you are a fan of Linda Palmer then you know you are in for a wonderful read.

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