REVIEW: The Dog Days of December- Kim Fielding

The Dog Days of December Book Cover The Dog Days of December
Kim Fielding
LGBTQ Fiction, Short Read, Christmas, Holiday, Fiction
Tin Box Press
Nov 29, 2022

Alone in a new town, psychology professor Shawn Daly has resigned himself to a quiet, solitary Christmas. Then he nearly runs over a stray dog. She’s not seriously injured—but it turns out she has other plans for Shawn’s winter break. And that cute guy down the block with the friendly Newfoundland dog? Turns out he’s a big part of those plans.

Dogs may bring shedding fur and a heap of responsibilities. But they may also be just the right thing to give the holidays—and a love life—some sparkle.

Review By Ulysses Dietz
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team


This charming novella starts with an abandoned dog, who is cold and hungry, filled with memories of having a family and a good life. Needless to say, as a dog person this got me all teary-eyed right away. We follow the story from the dog’s perspective until a careless moment and a looming car introduces her to Shawn. Rather than leave her with the vet to be turned over to a high-kill shelter, Shawn takes her home, and names her Anna.

This is a gentle, sweet-hearted tale of a lonely man who makes a little family with his rescued dog. This could be enough, but the author gives us more. Alternating between Shawn’s perspective and Anna’s, we are invited into their family, and watch as the man and his canine companion stumble on happiness where they least expect it.

This would make a great Hallmark Christmas movie, or a modern-day take on one of the Disney shows I watched on Sunday nights as a child. Although set at Christmas time, the story is perfect for anyone slogging through a gray, chilly winter. It’s a story to warm the heart and make you think about getting a puppy (or, another one).

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