REVIEW : The Driver – The Long Con Book #3 – Amy Lane

The Driver Book Cover The Driver
The Long Con #3
Amy Lane
Gay Fiction, Gay Romance, Action adventue
Dreamspinner Pess
Feb 15, 2022

Hell-raiser, getaway driver, and occasional knight in tarnished armor Chuck Calder has never had any illusions about being a serious boyfriend. He may not be a good guy, but at least as part of Josh Salinger’s crew of upscale thieves and cons, he can feel good about his job.

Right now, his job is Lucius Broadstone.

Lucius is a blueblood with a brutal past. He uses his fortune and contacts to help people trying to escape abuse, but someone is doing everything they can to stop him. He needs the kind of help only the Salingers can provide. Besides, he hasn’t forgotten the last time he and Chuck Calder collided. The team’s good ol’ boy and good luck charm is a blue-collar handful, but he is genuinely kind. He takes Lucius’s mission seriously, and Lucius has never had that before. In spite of Chuck’s reluctance to admit he’s a nice guy, Lucius wants to know him better.

Chuck’s a guaranteed good time, and Lucius is a forever guy. Can Chuck come to terms with his past and embrace the future Lucius is offering? Or is Good Luck Chuck destined to be driving off into the sunset alone forever?

Review by Gloria Lakritz

Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Here I am sitting in front of a blank page and am at a loss……Is this how writers think?

What can I say that I haven’t said before in an Amy Lane review? I think it is almost over 20 years I am her fan!! Discovering this marvel on an Amazon Paranormal Group when Amazon had groups, this band of writing warriors were all struggling Indie authors and a few readers like me found them!

Not all of them floated to the top, but Amy Lane school teacher, Mom, wife and Author became a legend! Her love of hearth and home surrounds many of the books in her many many series’; as she grew them with love.

The Long Con has that aspect, as the premise began years ago with three people banding together to overcome tremendous hardship. Now Josh Salinger’s clan has adopted a group likened to Robin Hood doing good through the world and I will follow them anywhere.

Chuck Calder and Lucious Bloodstone’s lives are worlds apart. Chuck and his battered persona has never felt accepted. His claim to fame right now is he is the getaway driver for the Salinger clan…..Meeting Lucius in Book #2 The Muscle, Ms. Lane has given them Book #3 The Driver for them to sort themselves out. Aaaand they do beautifully.

As always I loved EVERYTHING about this book. I love the family she has made, I love what the group stands for, and most of all I love Josh and his family hoping for his health to return…..

We will be graced with Book #4 in June called The Suit, and I cannot wait…..If you’re reading this review please start the series and see what I am talking about….You will thank me !!!


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