Woodlanders Tetralogy #1
Teen, Young Adult Ages 13-18
Independently Published
June 20, 2022
Review by Madison Davis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
High school student Azalea Wood is everything, young ladies ever dream of. She’s beautiful, popular, and belongs to the coolest at Lakebay High. Everything seems perfect. But below the gorgeous surface, she knows, she’s an entirely different person than the one she lets ‘her crowd’ see. She craves for someone who sees her and loves her for the person she truly is. When a new boy arrives at school, and is almost naturally bullied, Azalea knows what’s right and wrong and stands up for him.
After that event she loses her status as the most admired girl in school. But her friendship with the new boy, Bruce Green, makes up for the ‘loss’. Azalea enjoys being herself now, and with Bruce, she can be her true self.
Azalea and Bruce become friends. Not only do they share some classes, they share interests in the arts. Azalea is a phenomenal sketcher and painter while Bruce is an excellent writer. Together they enjoy not only their school time, but also their free time. And soon they find themselves more than friends.
Azalea’s aunt, with whom the girl lives after her parent’s death, is delighted that her niece is in love and she fully approves of the caring, creative and considerate Bruce. It takes his parents a little bit longer to accept Azalea as their son’s love interest. However, it’s not entirely hopeless. His siblings accept Azalea. Despite being a little bit of troublemakers, Bruce younger brother and sister take their own part in the story.
When Azalea visits Bruce, he takes her on a tour of the house, and Azalea stumbles across the Green family secret, that threatens to destroy her relationship with the love of her life. Azalea has to make a few decisions, and they will change her life forever.
The first buds of spring is a cute, entertaining story about the intensity of the first love. Azalea and Bruce are a wonderful couple, in love, and against all odds they have each other’s back. Not even a deep and profound secret can tear them apart, more the opposite. Both characters give each other strength and support during a particularly tough and challenging time, and they grow closer and fonder of each other by the hour. I usually pick my favorite characters in a book, this time I have a hard time to decide between Azalea, Bruce, or Bruce’s younger siblings. If you read the book, I’m convinced, you’ll fall in love with the story and the characters as well.
The First Buds of Spring is the first book in the ‘Woodlander’s Tetralogy’, and I hope very much, I will be able to review the following books in the series as well!
I recommend this book to YA readers who love a bit of fantasy, and bit of romance, and a thrilling, entertaining story!