Guardians of Erin Book 3
Young Adult Paranormal Romance
The Wild Rose Press, Inc
June 1, 2020

Ashling Donoghue is no closer to finding her parents than she was the night they disappeared. But hope returns as her brother Kian channels the Sword of Light, revealing past-life secrets and truths long suppressed.
The more she learns, the greater she fears the darkness that drowns the Netherworld also drives her. Is Aengus her true love, or is it Lorcan? Does her future wait in shadow or the light?
One point is clear: the threads of her past-self are woven inextricably into the tapestry of her soul. An impossible choice looms before her, and all the while, evil is poised to strike.
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
I want to start by highly recommending reading this series in order or you will find yourself lost.
Ashling and her siblings are still trying to deal with the fact that their parents are missing and not knowing if they are alive or not. Her brother Kiam is coming into his powers and is able to show people their past lives. Everyone but Ashling is thrilled to see their past but she is still afraid of what she will see when she was Caer and broke Aengus’ heart, unsure of whether she is an evil person and uncaring of what she does to another.
We see the past lives of the siblings, some of it quite interesting and very informative. Past loves that survived centuries even though each time it was a different person in different times. Ash is still torn between her feelings for Aengus and Lorcan and hoping that she doesn’t once again hurt Aengus and repeat past history.
A new character is introduced and a look into his past was quite an eye opener for some. Ash, her sister Deirdre and twin brothers Kain and Conall are staying at the Breasal home and with Hugh Breasal’s help trying to find their parents. Whether Ashling finally sees her past as Caer is not something I will reveal. She loves Aengus, always has but is still drawn to Lorcan and loves him as well.
Who Ashling chooses, whether their parents are found and if there is any hope for Deirdre and Robin, a gancanagh who seduces and leaves women many of whom kill themselves, well as with the first two books we are left with a cliffhanger and unanswered questions which hopefully will be answered in the next book. Amazing characters, mythological beings and surprises.