Review: Three Hearts – Grace Duncan

Three Hearts Book Cover Three Hearts
Grace Duncan
M/M Paranormal Romance
March 3, 2017

Review by Gloria Lakritz

PRG Review Chair and Sr Reviewer

I have read many books by Grace Duncan, and her flights of fantasy have taken me down many paths. As a reviewer I am exposed to all writings, and I must confess two things prior to writing this review…..#1 I am an mpreg virgin and #2 this simple story is such a delightful change from what I expected! (In a good way!)

We are in a contemporary setting, Chicago, where humans and shifters live in harmony. Liam and Mason are wolf shifters. They work for the same company, not at the same level. Liam is in the accounting department and Mason is the CFO. Liam is an Omega shifter capable of having babies. Mason is an Alpha, capable of impregnating an Omega. A new world for me to learn, opening up the many questions of ‘mates and forever’ that I have had. Liam’s Dad was also an Omega and was mated to someone who broke the mating bond and left them to have one parent raise the child. Liam has trust issues big time.

Evidently, males go thru a heat cycle, and take medication to not throw off pheromones to another male. Liam is given some other medication and by morning he is in heat. He will take a few days off, as not to have the many males in the building follow him like the wolf in heat he is. He is just going to go up to Mason’s office and drop of the last report.

You got it babe….broad daylight on the desk!

We start the relationship backwards, sex first dinner later but this charming love story is just that, a charming sexy, un-angsty loves story. Clearly readers of this author will smile, as quiet is not Grace’s middle name, but a great change of pace.


**2017 Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice Award Winner**


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