Fangs & Halos Book 3
Paranormal Romance
Heavenly Fangs Books
September 9, 2015

Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Before you begin reading this review you have to read the first two books in the series since each ends with a cliffhanger and then picks up where the last one left off. Although I have absolutely no love for cliffhangers I do happen to love this series in spite of that.
Marcus was summoned to the Vampire Council where he was not met with open arms. He has been warned about turning Lilly without advising the council first and then of course we know that Lilly turned Sullivan an angel and Baron a cat. At this point Marcus has one foot in Hell’s door. He is also being watched by the angels leaving his business under suspicion. He thinks things are bad but he has no idea how bad things really are. Jesse, his ghoul and lover has been savagely beaten leaving him near death. Jesse is the one that Marcus loves above all others and until he arrives home from his meeting with the council he had no idea what he faced.
Marcus’ immediate reaction is to remove Jesse from the hospital and bring him home to be cared for. On the plane Jesse is beyond human help and that is when Marcus turns him. Jesse has been with Marcus over a century and has always refused turning but Marcus refuses to face life without him and disobeys his wishes. Now he has turned another without letting the angels or the council know. He also has to face the wrath of Jesse when he wakes up to realize what he is now.
Well if all that is not enough it turns out that Lilly is pregnant and she is sure it is Marcus’ baby. How that happened is unknown, I don’t mean how it happened literally I mean vampires are reanimated beings unable to have children and both Lilly and Marcus are definitely vampires. It was Marcus who turned her in 1900 only he didn’t think it worked and she was buried. She lived in her crypt with Baron who she turned, feeding off rats. It was Hurricane Katrina that turned everything upside down for her. Now she has to face the fact that her child’s father is a monster and whether it will be a vampire when it is born.
Since this pregnancy is unheard of there are no doctors to care for her and so Jesse’s human doctor volunteers for the job. Her body is all messed up with her vomiting and needing to eat more. I won’t go into details on how she acquired her ghoul Gregory who is totally devoted to her but it is interesting and something that needs to be read. Sullivan comes to find out about Lilly when she tells him she can no longer speak to him, she needs to concentrate on her baby and Marcus. He is so devastated that he is ready to walk into the sun but is stopped when he is told he and Lilly are important for the future, why or how he doesn’t know.
Marcus is determined to start a war with Heaven and is beginning to turn angels. He will build an army of vampires and win the war. There is alot going on but to really understand it all you have to read the book I can’t really do it justice in a review.
Like I said in the beginning of my review I love this series and Lilly is just the most innocent vampire and since living in a crypt for one hundred years has a lot to learn. Baron is always the comic relief, how can you not laugh at a cat who calls a toilet a human litter box that growls.