A PsyCop Short
M/M Sci-fi
JCP Books, LLC
February 23, 2016

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Review Chair and Sr Reviewer for the Paranormal Romance Guild
Jordan Price, again it is so cool that you give us these snippets of ‘our boys’. It keeps us up to date in their everyday lives and makes us somehow feel even closer to them. I recently read and loved Memento, about an ole ratty tee shirt that certainly made an impression on our guys…a steamy read for fans. Now, Wood is released in honor of Vic’s February 23 rd birthday. This short hasn’t disappointed either.
Wood takes place much earlier in the relationship between Victor and Jacob, just after PsyCop#3 Body and Soul. By that time we have since learned that these two guys cannot keep their hands off each other ; thus giving us very sexy interludes. But imagine Vic and Jacob helping Jacob’s Uncle Leon. Again with tongue and cheek Ms Price reminds us that Vic sees Leon’s arm that is not there, wagging in the air; giving the reader a light moment of giggles remembering. For these two young men who are to put together some wood book units, the instructions now become a sexy double-entrende of epic proportions….Read the hilarious, sexy short in their adventure. And Happy Birthday to Vic.