The Interscission Project Book 1
Gay Science Fiction
March 10, 2014

Reviewed by: Douglas C. Meeks
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
I used to be a huge science fiction fan, but over the last several years I lost interest in lieu of Urban Fantasy and Paranormal Romance as my mainstay of reading. This is my first visit back into the Science Fiction genre since I was a member of the Science Fiction Book Club for many, many years (many, many years ago).
While this story of Martin and the other characters that revolve around him was interesting, I did not find it as addicting as many others did, it would seem. This was a great story and plots layered in plots always whet my appetite if done right, but boring if done well. This was done good, but not great, while it kept my attention it was not that hard to set down.
While I have read almost everything by Asimov and Heinlein, this was not up to that level and had some minor editing things, that don’t bother mentioning unless you are OCD. It was enjoyable, but once again the romantic efforts fell flat for me, but were saved by the story in general.
The book has is murder, sabotage, and abounding mysteries. You won’t be lacking for parts to find that capture your attention, but for me there were also parts that just dragged a bit. After everything is said and done, I have to say I can give it a solid 4 Stars and look forward to the next book.