Horror Short Stories
Past and Prologue Press
October 9, 2019

Terror in Time is a collection of nine eerie tales of the macabre and the unexpected that will chill you to the bone. From Celtic lore and ancient evils, to ghosts, voodoo, and legendary creatures, these stories are sure to please the horror enthusiast and history buff alike. It even includes the obligatory spoof taking zombies where no zombie has gone before!
So lock your doors and turn up the lights, for you never know what evil lurks in the shadows, and settle down for a good night of exploring the darker side of history and the human mind
Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Nine scary tales, but like all things that go bump in the night, some were chilling and some heartbreaking and some, well some too close to reality. I am giving a small sample of each story to whet your appetite and there is something for everyone.
Crossing the Veil:
A young Celt guard sees a headless horseman, a young girl becomes a vessel for a spirit, all taking place in 47 A.D. Britannia.
Spector of the Black Death:
This is a story that takes place in 1348 during the plague when three young sick children are boarded up in their home by their own parents who can only think of saving themselves. We then travel forward in time to the present when a bone is found at a playground and three children who touched it have come down with the plague. Is history repeating itself or will a parent’s love win out?
Thread of Fate:
Ty is an orphan, small, unimportant and unnoticeable, until the night she robs a carriage carrying a young girl and her father. Kaylee sees Ty and for the first time Ty feels a connection with another human being, a connection that will put her life in danger. Heading for the Black Tower and Count Volker, a place where monsters live and where the unimaginable happens, what can a small insignificant little girl do?
Without a Trace:
New Orleans draws tourists looking for ghosts and haunted houses, but it all began back in 1830 with the disappearances of people and the deaths of animals. Something evil is out there, and no one is safe. Now in present day, it is not unbelievable to read a story about disappearances happening in the area where it all began. What is responsible was a surprise to me.
The Devil’s Stone:
1844 a time of slavery, rumors, legends, and stories of a huge stone that demands sacrifices, a stone that wants blood. A man and his son go hunting and refuse to believe the rumors that exist about the evil in the woods, but it will be a lesson they will learn through blood, the Devil’s Stone existed in the past, but does it still exist in the present?
1922, Mississippi Delta, a time of lynchings, the KKK, and a time when the real monsters looked just like everyone else except for their black hearts. What makes this story scarier than some of the others is the reality that what happened in 1922 when a black man was beaten and hung for no other reason than the color of his skin and a desire to be accepted by the Klan is the same horror that exists today. However, in this story the saving grace is a voodoo curse.
I don’t think there is anyone who has not thought about, what if, truly hindsight is 20/20 but usually when we discover what we should have done it is usually too late to change it. A ghost hunter is called in to discover what has happened in a home, only to be brought back to high school and what could have been.
Of all the stories this one really affected me. These are stories that are bizarre and nightmarish, but some like this one are not new or fiction. Twenty-one women, kidnapped, sexually assaulted, and tortured—the only difference in the ones we read about in the newspapers is the supernatural component, Satan, and demons and how the guilty party finally faces his reckoning.
Jaz and the Ambling Dead:
No really scary book can leave out the living dead, something we seem to be obsessed with if the Walking Dead TV show is any indication. So, zombies are the stars of this story, roaming around killing and reanimating the ones they bite or eat. It will take a TV crew and the military to find the answers. How did this happen? Who is responsible? Why are animals affected? How can it be stopped? The scary truth is, although zombies do not exist, we can’t dismiss the fact that there are any number of ways for a genius with a warped mind to come up with a way to pull it off. Now we have to deal with chemical warfare and we are living in very trying times.
Nine very different stories, each scary, but each reminding us that some of them are not as far-fetched as we would like to believe.