THIRDS – Book 8
Dreamspinner Press
February 1, 2017

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
Oh my Ms. Cochet, after your readers finishing Book# 7 Smoke and Mirrors, you justly realized we would need time to digest all that happened in that book. We were breathless at all we and the team had gone through, needing to visualize where we were going next. Dex and Sloane had many secrets that the team needed to know.
This Novella Book# 8 was born, as the perfect bridge to accomplish this. We saw these things coming, and now we can now visualize where the Destructive Delta Team, to stay together and grow, could be going in the future.
The dynamics you have chosen for these characters are still there, the threats to Humans and Therians still in the forefront and the challenge you have taken means we your readers go forward with them as well.
I love this series, I love all the characters you have given us, and I champion you for finding a way to enchant us more in the future! I have tried very hard to give no spoilers, as every reader will understand my comments as they read for themselves….
I cannot wait for the next installment, seeing these guys and gals kick butt!