Paranormal, Paranormal Romance, Halloween
Georgeous Publishing
October 18, 2021
Review by S.C. Principale
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild
Soul Cursed by Leisl Leighton 4***** Stars
A soul cursed, a love discovered, an evil unbound …
If you love a twisted take on Greek mythology, interlaced with histories, secrets, and spells, you’ll love this tale of Korinna, former guardian of Mount Vesuvius, and Tamuel the cupid who loved her long ago. Korinna has been punishing herself for years over the deaths she caused when the volcano destroyed Pompeii—but she’s been blaming the sexy cupid, too. She believes he abandoned her in her greatest hour of need, only to find out that it was Eros who took him away and that their letters were forever intercepted. Now, on All HAllow’s Eve, they can right ancient wrongs and find true love again, if they can brave the Gates of Tarturus to free wrongly imprisoned souls. An awesome story with a well-developed plot and a sickeningly sweet Hades and Persephone who steal the show! Korinna anad Tamuel will melt your heart as they save the lost, and save each other, too.
Ancestors and Expectations by Hellucy Howe 4 **** Stars
What if the truth doesn’t set you free
This was such a surprisingly sweet story! While I was a bit lost with all of the specialized terms describing various people and elements of the fae world, DeMaksim, also known as Mak when he’s in dracon form, will steal your heart. When Mak ends up bound against his will to a water fae, it seems like a horrible thing, an act to ruin him. While he still needs to find the ones who’ve created this “force bond” and make them pay, there are compensations along the way. His sweet mate ends up being a wonderful comforter and friend who loves him no matter what form he takes.
Cherith doesn’t want Mak to be force bound to her. She needs to free her parents and return their lives to normal. It’s not fair that Mak’s dracon form feels as though she’s his true love! Too bad she’s starting to think the same thing. When the Nageen is vanquished and the journey ends, Cherith and Mak expect their bond to be broken by Cherith’s father’s potion or by the magical efforts of their fae friends. When nothing works, Cherith refuses to accept they’re meant to be together, knowing it was force and not free-will. Only when she sends her water flowing over their bound wrists and Mak breathes fire on them at the same time can they be free— and free to choose one another! Ancestors and Expectations by Hellucy Howe is the perfectly sweet dragon-shifter story you’ve been looking for!
Headless by Samantha Marshall 5***** Stars
What would you do for redemption?
Laugh-out-loud, touch your heart, perfection! Devlin is the perfect self-deprecating hero (even if he’s constantly, literally losing his head) who only wants to atone for his sins and have his demonic curse broken. Sadly, his noble intentions go out the window when he comes across Ivory, the only one who can free him—and who oddly enough is also a demon, a demon of incredible beauty. Too bad she doesn’t want anything to do with him. Too bad his first visit to her shop blew the place up. Oh yeah, and too bad demon-hunters are now on the trail of both Devlin and Ivory.
Ivory knows she needs to get away and find a new safe haven. She’ll help Devlin if he’ll get her to safety. Once they begin to work together, Devlin’s kind heart appeals to parts of Ivory that she thought were out of reach. When demon hunters move in for the kill on all Hallow’s Eve (the night the veil between worlds are thinnest) there’s a surprising twist that may save Devlin and Ivory’s lives and give them a chance to forgive their foes and find new love.
Such a delightful read with plenty of sweetness, spark, and snark. A wonderful Halloween read that was well-fleshed out and leaves you feeling content at the end!
All Hallows Forever by Georgia Tingley 4**** Stars
To save her, he will pay the eternal price!
Bryn Doyle will do anything to prolong his life, not for selfish reasons but for the love of his beloved wife. When his incurable disease is termed hopeless by local doctors, he travels to Boston to meet with an experimental physician and his kind nurse-wife. Encouraged by their kindness, Bry agrees to the treatment, unaware that his hosts are rather benevolent vampires. They will “cure” him, but the cure may not be what he wishes. His life will be prolonged, but as a creature of darkness. It seems to good to be true, but it isn’t the action of the vampires that make Bryn’s life take a nasty turn. They keep their promise to “cure” him and train him how to live among mortals—but Bryn can’t wait to get to his precious Evangeline. Nor can he resist biting her when they make love for the first time since he’s healed. Failing to turn her into a vampire like himself, his beloved dies.
Conveniently, the vampire who sired Doyle is a warlock as well.. He creates a spell that allows Bryn to find Evangeline’s reincarnated form over and over, throughout eternity. He can meet and marry her, over and over—and watch her age and die each time. It’s eventually too much for one heart to bear. Can the spell be broken and Doyle set free—or will Evangeline finally become the eternal lover he’s been looking for on his last meeting with her on a fateful All Hallow’s Eve.
Definitely a good story with a heavy dose of heat, some nasty turns and surprises that will leave you shocked. However, there’s a bit too much of the Deus ex Machina about this to make it flow with full-believability. With a story this sweet and satisfying (and spooky) do we care? Not at all. you’ll gobble this up along with your chocolate-y treats for Halloween and be equally delighted.
Good Riddance by Marnie St Clair 5 ***** Stars
Good Riddance opens with a seamless explanation of demon inhabitation (walk past a portal and bam!), wizards, witches, and how magic can be awesome (or deadly) when it comes to demon hunting. This story contained glorious, tongue-in-cheek world building, completed with a kickass heroine and a wizard who’s managed to get under her skin.
Harlow is a witch and a demon hunter. Only witch magic can get rid of demons from the mortal realm, but it’s also the most dangerous job a witch can have. Harlow is instantly relatable to anyone who has ever felt like they’re the odd-duck in their family or they can’t keep their mothers happy. Harlow’s family wants her to step down from her risky lifestyle, bu she like the thrill. Her adrenaline-rich lifestyle has made her libido soar—which might not be a bad thing given the wizard trainee at her side, the handsome Aidan. Too bad Aidan’s on the hit list of something incredibly dark and strong. Can Harlow save the man she’s falling for, keep her job, and keep her overbearing auntie happy? It’ll take a Halloween miracle! If you like your romance fast and action-packed, this one’s a keeper.