Blog Tour- Release Day- REVIEW: Port in a Storm- Sinners Series Book #8- Rhys Ford

Port in a Storm Book Cover Port in a Storm
Sinners Series Book #8
Rhys Ford
Gay Romance, Police Fiction, LGBTQ Fiction
Dreamspinner Press LLC
Jan 23, 2024
San Francisco SWAT Lieutenant Connor Morgan and Crossroads Gin drummer Forest Ackerman make an odd couple. Connor, an Irish-born cop from a tight-knit family, never imagined he’d find his happily-ever-after with a raised-on-the-streets musician, but Forest had the gentlest soul he’d ever met. After a long, hard road of heartbreak, murder, and trouble, they fell hard in love and married.

Then Fate intervenes and throws their lives into a chaos neither one of them is prepared for.

During a brutal SWAT raid, Connor stumbles on Tate, an abused, vulnerable little boy caught in a shoot-out with his father’s drug-running gang. As heavy fire riddles the walls, an injured Connor rescues Tate from the fray… only to be struck numb when a caseworker pries a sobbing Tate from his arms.

Scarred from his own childhood experiences, Forest doubts he can be a good enough father, but Connor assures him they can give Tate what he needs and more. Soon they are on an insane ride where trust and affection are hard-earned, especially when coming from a little boy raised in society’s filthiest gutters. Facing down every challenge thrown their way, they battle to give Tate what Connor treasures and Forest never had—a family to call his own.

Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

SWAT, Lt. Connor Morgan and his team have found themselves caught in the third pop-up raid in two weeks. The DA and SFPD have planned aggressive tactics to go after the criminal elements. There’s always the risks that you can’t foresee breaching decrepit houses. As Connor and his team entered the front the second team has taken the back and a firefight has broken out. Connor finds himself caught in the middle when he sees a young child. His team is ready to give him cover as he needs to get himself and the child out of the dangerous building. Even though Connor’s been hurt, his concern is for the distraught and fearful child who won’t let him go.

When Miki gets the call from Kane, Miki drives Forest to the hospital. Forest is half sick, he can’t loose his husband Connor. Even though Connor’s injuries are not life threatening he will be spending time behind a desk until he’s fully recovered. But Forest still has mixed feelings: anger, anxiety, and fear.

At the Morgan home on the widow’s walk, two brother’s, a cousin, a close friend and a bottle of whiskey are having a meeting of the minds. Connor being the oldest of the Morgan sibling’s always had a dream to be like his Father, Donal. With Donal being in law enforcement, the majority of the siblings followed in his footsteps. For Connor it was always a dream of his to be just like his father and saw himself marring a women and raising a family. When Connor met and then married Forest Ackerman, his dream was altered. Now, Connor can’t get the young child out of his head. The consensus is he needs to have talk with Forest to make the right decision.

With both Connor and Forest having fears and doubts of their own, they decide to become foster parents. They pass approval on all that is necessary but family members start to ask what’s taking so long. Connor and Forest are called to CSP and can’t believe what they see. Both Connor and Forest know what can happen to children in the system. But this time they will leave with Tate and give him a wonderful home and an extended supportive family. The most unlikely family members hearts will be touched by Tate.

But Forest biggest fear comes to their door. CSP has made a bad decision. Connor and Forest will not be alone when the Morgan Clan will do what it takes to bring little Tate home.

The talented, Rhys Ford does it again with another excellent addition to the amazing “Sinners Series.” Be sure to have the tissues handy as the Morgan’s fight to bring a new addition to the family. The Morgan’s will make you, laugh, cry, and cheer them on in this heartwarming story, “Port in a Storm.”

In my opinion the “Sinners Series” is a classic and worth reading over and over again. The series is also on audio, narrated by Tristan James, who brings the Irish brogue. Rhys Ford knows how to open up so many emotions with every story she writes. There’s heartbreak, humor, friendships, family squabbles, teasing banter and love. As always, there’s danger, suspense, and fast paced action that surrounds many of the Morgan’s in law enforcement.

I highly suggest reading “Port in a Storm” it’s a joy to visit the Morgan Clan again! If you haven’t read the “Sinners Series” this just may peak your curiosity. As for Rhys Ford, I can’t say much other than, she is an outstanding author.

I have followed the “Sinners” series since the first book, “Sinners Gin,” published in 2012. Eight novels later it’s still the best series I have ever gotten immersed in. It all started with a horrific, deadly bus crash, lead singer/songwriter Miki St. John, and SFPD Inspector Kane Morgan and a mischievous, Koa thieving, terrier named Dude. Book three “Tequila Mockingbird” was published in 2014. It’s Forest Ackerman and Connor Morgan stories. But I suggest reading the entire series, if you want to visit a large Irish family that keeps growing, has a huge heart and the love of music, “Sinners” is the series by Rhys Ford.

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