HOLIDAY REVIEW: Ash Believes the Impossible – Kim Fielding

Ash Believes the Impossible Book Cover Ash Believes the Impossible
Kim Fielding
Holiday Story, Hanukkah Romance Gay Romance
Dreamspinner Press
Dec 7, 2022

Asher Kaufman could use a miracle. But first he’ll have to believe they exist.

Ash is single, strapped for cash, and burned out from his work at a nonprofit. Everyone else’s holiday spirit leaves him feeling like he’s in the wrong movie.

Then strange, thoughtful gifts begin appearing outside his door: a rustic basket filled with pinecones and acorns, and a beautiful handmade scarf in Hannukah colors. But the most wonderful gift of all comes when he meets Clay, his secret admirer, a beautiful young man who happens to be a fairy who lives in the wooded wonderland behind the duplex where Ash lives.

Clay brings warmth and magic into Ash’s dreary life–but when the realities of the human world threaten the bridge to fairyland, it will take all Ash’s faith to bring about a happy-ever-after that will work for everyone.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Ash Kaufman lives a very simple life a small apartment, a job with a non-profit organization and enough money for the things that are important. Seven months ago, his boyfriend left him, but he still has his family and his landlords, Troy and Zeke. Troy and Zeke live downstairs and care about their tenant as he cares about them. His job is a proud point in his life, he finds employment for people who have suffered in life, drugs, poverty, illness and gives them a chance to turn their lives around.

When Ash begins finding gifts on the table at the top of the stairs, he is sure they are from his landlords, but they assure him it is not from them, and he must have a secret admirer. Ash has no idea how these small gifts and a visit to a strange coffee shop will change his life. Mahonia Coffee Shop is like none he has ever seen before, the owner Mahonia serves him what she knows he needs and wants and is right on the money each time and speaking of money she refuses to accept any, payment is a favor from Ash, throw out the garbage, do a few dishes, favors he is more than happy to provide.

Ash learns about Clay, that he must get permission from the band which turns out to be Clay’s clan or kinfolk. Everyone accepts Ash with open arms, but he still hasn’t met Clay and when he does well who he is and what he was are a doozy, and the past tense is not a typo. His landlords always tell Ash to believe in the impossible something he will have to take to heart because believing in the impossible will require an open mind and heart.

When Ash and Clay meet there is no doubt, they are both attracted to each other but when Clay reveals he is a fairy, well naturally Ash’s response is, because you are gay. Clay’s answer is no a fairy or Fair folk and his biggest secret I won’t reveal but it did make me think wow Ms. Fielding has quite an impressive imagination.

As Ash learns more about the world Clay comes from and the woods where his home but life threatens everything especially any hope for a HEA. Everything hangs on an illness one of the landlords is suffering and the reality we all face medical coverage or lack of it. It has been a long time since Ash celebrated Hannukah but since meeting Clay he is finding joy in the holidays and is determined to find a solution to the threats that could destroy everything they hope for.

Such a sweet story and amazingly I now know how to use a dreidel. For years I bought dreidels for my kids but since they were always filled with Hanukkah gelt (chocolate wrapped in gold paper) the chocolate was eaten, and the dreidel was discarded. Well better late than never cause now I can teach my grandchildren the fun you can get from a dreidel.

Such a fun story filled with amazing characters both primary and secondary. Christmas or Hanukkah or any other holiday is a time for family, good food, gifts and most of all joy.

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