Aces High, Jokers Wild Book #6
Dystopian, Paranormal, LGBTQ, Cyberpunk
Amphibian Press
July 16, 2022
They say to really free your body, you've gotta free your mind…
America is waking up. People are standing up for each other and a future worth living in. But they can’t do it alone.
Now, they don’t have to. The Democratic State Force is calling in favors across the nation. Members of Base 1407 and hundreds of other teams across the country are teaching the citizens how to fight back on their terms, with tactics that hit the Corporations right where it hurts–in the wallet and the pride.
The seven Corporations that think they own the country are scrambling to keep control over the citizens’ communications, their decisions, and their lives. Every dirty trick is coming out of their bags as they lose their grip. It’s going to take a lot to beat them at this game for the country’s soul.
Life’s a bitch. She doesn’t play fair. Out-think her with every hand, and you might just win.
Review by Gloria Lakritz
Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
We at the PRG have reviewed some books from this series. Our last review was was done of Book #4 and was not only rated 5 Stars, the reviewer nominated it for the Best of 2020 PRG Book awards. Since it can be read as a standalone I decided to take Book #6 on myself and I am truly not at all sorry….In fact I plan on regrouping and start this series from the beginning!
The books are timely set in Americas in the years 2159. We see where we are today, and can picture what WE have let happen to our country….It is hard to read what depths it and the world have fallen. Yet the American spirit still fights for the Freedoms our fore fathers set forth.
We now have fallen into the hands of Big Business turning our people into slaves. The Democrats are still willing to want to work for the people and our band of fighters has plans to save the world. In this episode taking on big government, the group has formed a network of people to form such a large uprising with people of all walks of life.
This dystopian world shows how todays racism has thrived one hundred years from now. The author has characters from all races including paranormal beings being down graded. If for one minute the world would heed what lies ahead for us if what 2022 is any indication !
My heart hurts that this path could be our future….Great read! 5 Stars