RELEASE DAY- REVIEW: Homeward – Heartward Book #2- Andrew Grey

Homeward Book Cover Homeward
Heartward Book #2
Andrew Grey
Gay Romance, Contemporary Romance, LGBTQ Fiction
Dreamspiner Press
May 7, 2024

Second chances only happen in the movies… right?

For the past several years, Matthew’s life has been one challenge after another. Keeping his sister’s four orphaned kids fed, clothed, housed, and entertained has him run ragged. Now he’s losing the kids’ mentor and maybe his job, if the plant where he works as an electrician shuts down like the rumors say. When his car won’t start outside the hospital, it’s the last thing he needs. Matthew could use a hero… so of course that’s when Lucas Reardon shows up again.

A-list actor Lucas Reardon returned to his Michigan hometown to say goodbye to his father. The last person he expects to see is Matthew Wilson, the one who got away. Lucas helps Matthew out with the car, the kids, whatever he needs. But really, *he’s* the one who needs saving. Years of the fast-paced Hollywood life have worn him down to nothing, and a deranged stalker is making his life hell. Matthew becomes his refuge. But relationships need time to grow and bloom. With the paparazzi breathing down their necks and a deadline on Lucas’s return to LA, can they build a life worthy of the big screen?


Lucas Reardon is a famous movie star on his way home to see his dying father. He and his father had been estranged for years but his aunt convinced him it was time to tell his father whatever he thought before it was too late. His father took his hand and died but at least it put an end to the years of bitterness.

While visiting his father he ran into Matthew Wilson, his first love and a man who has never left his mind even after fifteen years. With Lucas’ desire for an acting career, he left home without looking back and left Matthew behind as well. With only a few days left before he begins a new picture Lucas and Matthew try to make up for lost time all while there is an end already written.

The two men confess their love for each other but Lucas as a career he loves, and Matthew is now raising his sister’s four children since she and his brother-in-law were killed by a drunk driver. Although they love each other their responsibilities don’tallow for the long term.

Lucas has security with him, and it becomes necessary for more to be added when a stalker who everyone believed was gone suddenly reappears in his hometown trailing him, Matthew and the children. The youngest child is four, the oldest is eleven and he will be raising them in the near future, so a stalker is a danger Matthew was not prepared for.

Everywhere Lucas and Matthew appear there are gangs of reporters and people surrounding them and trying to avoid them is an exercise in futility. Someone must be revealing their whereabouts and the someone must be the stalker. He is essentially a ghost because they have no idea what he looks like so catching him would take some imagination and bait.

As much as they try to figure out a plan whereby the entire family can be together nothing seems to work. Lucas is always away filming so uprooting the children just to be alone while Lucas is away is not an answer him moving back home away from the studios is also not the answer. The answer is within reach but neither Lucas nor Matthew have figured it out yet.

Two men who have loved each other since high school are reunited, and still love each other but can’t find a compromise in their living arrangements or do they. The children are wonderful and call Matthew Uncle Daddy and they have accepted Lucas into their lives and call him Uncle now the two adults must figure out how to become one family.

There is so much love packed into this story between Matthew, Lucas and the children that it begs for a HEA and if you are an Andrew Grey fan then you already can guess how it will end.

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