RELEASE DAY REVIEW : Love for the Reaper – The Elite Series #1 – Charlie Cochet

Love for the Reaper Book Cover Love for the Reaper
The Elite Series #1
Charlie Cochet
LGBTQ Romance, Short Read, Thriller, Gay Roance
June 1, 2023

Devlin “Dev” Espinosa lives in the shadows of the criminal underworld. As a Ferryman, his job is to safely transport “the dead” to their new lives, no questions asked. With no one to answer to, lots of cash, and access to The Anonymous–an exclusive club for the elite–Dev is loving life.

Until Remy Corbin gets into his car.

Remy is just a regular guy working a regular bartending job. At least, that’s what he thought before walking in on his boss taking someone out. Witnessing the assassination paints a target on Remy’s back, and when the bullets fly, he jumps into a stranger’s car.

Dev has no intention of getting involved in Remy’s problems, but something about the guy brings out protective instincts Dev didn’t know he had. Going against his better judgment, Dev vows to keep Remy alive.

Can wild nights fueled by danger and explosive passion lead to more? Or will the hitman on their tail cut their romance–and lives–short?

Love for the Reaper is a part of the multi-author series The Elite. Each book can be read as a standalone and in any order. What links these books together is The Anonymous, a club beneath the gritty city where only the elite are welcome.

Reviewed by Gloria Lakritz

Review Chair for The Paranormal Romance Guild

Charlie Cochet has had me as a long time reader with her fabulous breakout Thirds Series. I am so happy to say here today I am a fan! Love for the Reaper is a short beginning to another concept in the workings of the underworld. The job of a Ferryman. You know the guy who after a person is dealt with OR killed might get a job to ‘transport’ a live or dead body to their new place. Devlin “Dev” Espinosa is the man for the job, known by the Elite for doing a good job, making “lots” of money and a member of The Anonymous club.

Trouble begins when Remy Corbin comes to town and gets a job in a local Bar. Remy cleans up for the night and forgets his paycheck the owner told him it was left in his office. Mistake #1 was going back inside. He now is a witness to a murder. Getting out of the building was easier; but finding a get away had him open a strangers door and climbing in. Meet Dev Espinosa.

This was a Fast and Furious episode with bullets flying and lots of sexy time. Just what you would expect from Charlie. As you see we are getting down to one more book for this series which will release Next Thursday. Since each author has their book released individually as a Book #1 in the series, I can’t help wonder if each of them will have a #2? Only time will tell, BUT I am there for the ride…



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