Release Day REVIEW: Secret Agent Analyst – Penelope Peters

Secret Agent Analyst Book Cover Secret Agent Analyst
Penelope Peters
Romantic Comedy, Gay Romance, Gay Fiction
Mach 14, 2023

Reviewed by Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Anthony Dare is a super-spy working for the Department of Villain Monitorization Spy Agency (DVM). Anthony has been after super-villain Cicero for a long time and every time he captures him, he escapes. He has just returned from a mission and entering HQ he is met with cheers, hugs and screams of hero, unfortunately his partner was killed but he isn’t even a thought to anyone on the first floor. Fortunately, the top floor cheers but also expresses sympathy for another agent lost.

When he enters the office of the head of the agency, Bea, expecting his usual drink of ten-year-old scotch, he finds only tea and Elliot Bichler an analyst. His meeting with Elliot is not met with cheers but with screaming and cursing over Anthony’s lack of using analysts for information that could be important to his missions. No scotch, no cheers and the worst are yet to come, Elliot is to be his new partner on a mission to Bulgaria. Cicero has a rocket that Anthony and now Elliot must put a stop to.

Elliot has researched Cicero and has found the one financing his villainous acts something Anthony would know if he had consulted with him. Elliot finds himself travelling on a luxury plane that explodes in midair, Anthony takes it in stride while Elliot can only see his death. Jumping with parachutes and landing in a field but not in Bulgaria. They both survived, including the flight attendant that Elliot tied to him. Anthony is determined to find a plane so they can continue their mission to Bulgaria, but they find more than a plane they find danger and a Kraken.

One of Cicero’s headquarters is nearby, and the plan is to sneak aboard one his planes, until Elliot discovers a lab filled with tubes that guarantee trouble. Anthony wants to proceed to the plane; Elliot insists they destroy the tubes that are a potential danger to the world. Elliot still insists on yelling at Anthony, which is not a good idea when trying not to get caught, which they are. Their escape leads to a Kraken who sees the two of them as lunch.

Anthony and Elliot thought they were after two men until the discovery of a third person called the Mastermind. Anthony still doesn’t believe Elliot should have been sent on this mission with no experience in field work and Elliot keeps insisting he is necessary. Then Elliot is sure he is going to die when Anthony kisses him, the kiss of death because everyone he ever kissed is now dead.

This was a wonderful book with wonderful characters, suspense, surprises, betrayals, lies and romance, well Anthony kind of romance. The search for Cicero, Mastermind and O’Leary took Anthony and Elliot on a journey filled with danger and a lot of humor. This is the type of book that would make a great TV show or movie. I don’t even want to get into the types of criminal activity that Cicero was involved in but most of them put a smile on my face.

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