Heir to the Firstborn Book #7
Romantic Fantasy, New Adult, Fantasy Romance
Jan 30, 2024
Review By Sherry Perkins
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
“The sea was calling her. It always did…” — Valley of Shadows
Elizabeth Schechter has a robust fan base. Therefore, it’s always surprising to me that her books don’t have more reviews. The erotica books, well, I can—with a giggle and a blush—understand why readers don’t necessarily leave those reviews. However, the two series I’ve faithfully read, “The Swords of Charlemagne,” and the “Heir to the Firstborn” are more than worth reading and reviewing. Another book, “The Chronicles of John Zebedee,” is a great, eerie standalone. But back to the “Heir to the Firstborn” series and Volume 7, “Valley of Shadows.”
You might suspect you’d need to read the back list to understand and appreciate “Valley of Shadows.” You don’t. It does make for a more satisfying journey though, to know how everyone got to where they are and how it informs where they have yet to go by reading the predecessor books, but fans of prophecy books will be able to follow along.
“Valley of Shadows” is a tale of ancestral sovereignty by the elemental races who populate the world Schechter has created. A hereditary “heir to the firstborn” ruler is chosen. She will be supported in her dynastic rule by her Companions, a representative from one of each elemental races. The Water born elemental is always the first Companion to be selected. Unfortunately, Aeris (Aria’s daughter from Volume 1, “Written in Water”) can’t find her Water! Her potential Water Companion has a problem though since he’s never really been near water. And then there’s a plot afoot, one to kidnap Aeris. In the background of all that, there’s someone who has been waiting for Aeris from the day she was born. Oh, I sense a deep, dark secret coming! I do love a deep, dark secret, don’t you?
Otherwise, and typically, I don’t comment on cover art although I will for the “Heir to the Firstborn” series. Schechter updated the covers to a more stylized, moodier art which seems better fitting than the pervious ones. Nice job! Plus, Schechter has included a prologue to the book—something I’m a fan of—especially when it hints there may be another story to come.
A four-and-a-half-star review for the next book in a series of stories where someone is always trying to keep the rightful heir from uniting the people and bringing prophecy to conclusion.