Holiday Romance, Gay Romance
Dreamspinner Press
Dec 6, 2022
After courtship, cohabitation, and learning about love and each other, Andy and Eli face the ultimate test: being separated at Christmas.
Eli’s seen the propaganda—the country boy goes home from the city and realizes his heart is back among the snow, trees, and chickens. A big happy family is something Eli, with his demanding job running a shelter for LGBTQ youth, can’t provide. He’s been readying himself for the other shoe to drop anyway—Andy’s mother is a force of nature, and she wants her little boy home.
Andy may be in Vermont, but his heart is back in Brooklyn with the man who’s battling basement floods and crumbling buildings to bring Christmas to sixty kids who’ve had their hearts broken too many times already. Holiday myths may say that Christmas means going back home to a happy family, but Andy knows happy endings don’t come without a little faith and a lot of hard work. He's got an army ready to put in the elbow grease. If he can get Eli to believe in him, they might just save Christmas after all.
Review by Gloria Lakritz
Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
This is what Amy Lane is Best at !!!……Heart wrenching, stories of sweet people who never believe they are enough….For this story meet Eli Engel. Eli thrown out of his home for being gay, living on the streets till he found RAIBOW HOUSE. Having a place to stay, he studied and got an education and now ran the place that saved his life giving back for the next generation of LGBTQ youth.
We begin the book meeting Andy Chambers who has been living with Eli Engel for the past three years. Thru chapters titled THEN and NOW we learn of their meeting and Andy’s courtship of Eli and ‘feel’ their sweet story.
Andy is going home to his family in Vermont for Christmas for the first time in the 3 years and Eli is worried Andy will not come back to him, after seeing Vermont again, his family and friends. From our story, we see how much time and effort Andy has put in to urturing this relationship and his caring of Eli.
When Rainbow House has a series of horrible occurrences, from Vermont, Andy gathers his family and friends to help Eli and the kids while understanding home is where your heart is and his is in Brooklyn NY with Eli……..Surprisingly even able to have his Mother turn a page in her own life.
As I said Amy is best with the family- hearth- love- angles and my heart ached in places, and I shed tears in places with her well placed story…..
A winning Holiday story! Even her Grammy would approve !