Part of Pride Cruise 2024 Anthology
LGBTQ, Families, Travel
Sapphire Publishing
June 14, 2024
Reviewed by Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team
This book is part of Pride Cruise 2024, and it was wonderful. A story of finding love on a cruise ship when it was the last thing you ever expected.
Vale was diagnosed as a child as hyperactive and now as an adult he has been labeled with ADHD. Unable to hold down a job, unable to hold on to a boyfriend he is now working as a cabin boy on a cruise ship, a job he got through his best friend Darcy. It is a sixteen-day cruise to Hawaiian Islands. This is a kink cruise with a littles room, dungeon and pet play area.
Vale had a set number of rooms he oversaw and one of those rooms would be occupied by a man that would change his life forever. His first day he bumped into that man when he suddenly left the room almost making Vale fall. It was that man, Jack who kept him from hitting the floor.
Jack is on vacation but is not really enjoying himself, he has had boys in his life and his preference is pet play, but it has been a long time since he has had one and after seeing Vale, he suddenly feels like he found one. All the problems resulting from his ADHD have left him alone and convinced him that he will always be alone. The only people in his life who accept him as he is and love him despite everything are his mother and Darcy.
When Jack begins showing attention to Vale, he finds himself confused but is sure that the attention will disappear when they are finally on land. Jack tries to spend as much time as he can with Vale working out lunch when Vale is supposed to be cleaning his room. The more time they spend together the more Jack wants he knows he has found his one.
Jack not only takes Vale’s problems seriously he does everything he can to direct his energy in new directions. When Jack brings up pet play Vale is excited, he thinks it is just a room full of cats, dogs and any other pet, big mistake. When he realizes what it really is he wants to visit, Jack is more than happy to go with him after his work is finished and in a monkey costume Vale was able to throw together so no one would recognize him.
Vale found what makes him happy and enables him to sleep more than four or five hours a night. The more time Vale and Jack spend together the more Vale sees a man he knows will protect him, something he never had before. Jack buys him gifts, worries about him as well as Darcy which just earns him more points in the plus column.
This was a beautiful story proving that there is someone out there no matter what problems you face such as Vale. The problem is what will happen when Vale’s four-month contract ends, and Jack spends more direct time with him I won’t tell.