REVIEW : Captivated by a Vampire – Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Book #2 – Susan Griscom

Captivated by a Vampire Book Cover Captivated by a Vampire
Immortal Hearts of San Francisco Book #2
Susan Griscom
Vampire Romance, Witches and Wizards, Paranormal Vampire Romance
May 6, 2016

She was everything he’d learned to hate, but she was also everything his soul desired.

Chelle Masterson: I’m done with vampires. Especially rock and roll playing vampires. I may be a new vampire, but that doesn’t mean I’m naïve. And I don’t like being treated that way. I only want to find my place in this new and scary life I’ve been cursed with. Unfortunately, trouble seems to follow me wherever I go, starting with my very first attempt to feed on my own … But then I come face to face with a very charming stranger who seems to want to help, but can I trust him?

Josh Barrett: He knows his priorities—reporting the news by day, drinking himself into a self-loathing stupor by night. His workaholic tendencies can’t completely mask the horrific night that changed his life forever … until a beautiful, sexy, and an utterly mysterious woman enters his life and changes everything.

Reviewed by Linda Tonis

Member of the Paranormal Romance Guild Review Team

Although this is a series each book is a standalone and characters from previous books make an appearance. This book is Chelle and Josh’s story. We met Chelle in book one when she ran into Lane, a very hungry and drunk vampire who took too much blood and left her dead. Lane could not accept that he murdered anyone and turned her, changing her life forever.

If you read book one, then you are familiar with Lane and all the other vampires that live together in a large mansion. After being changed Chelle fell deeply in love with Lane, a love he didn’t return. As far as Lane was concerned, he was her maker and would always care for her, but love was not something he could ever give her, his love was like a father and daughter.

On Chelle’s twenty-first birthday Lane allowed her some freedom secure in the belief that she could control her blood lust. At a bar she thought she had met the perfect man for her first time at taking blood alone, unfortunately all she got for it was a punch in the jaw leaving her bruised and embarrassed. Adding insult to injury it started pouring and she was soaking wet and muddy. That was the night that Josh first saw her and attempted to help her. First, he believed she was homeless and then it got worse when he thought she was a hooker. Not a very good start but it will gets better.

Josh Barrett is an investigative reporter and he first appeared in book one when he worked with another newly created vampire. That is a story that should be read despite it not having a direct effect on this book. Josh and Chelle begin seeing each other and he becomes more and more obsessed with her. Chelle refuses to drink from him without his permission but unless she reveals what she is asking permission is impossible.

Josh is a functioning alcoholic, the result of a horror that he witnessed eight years earlier. The horror he drinks to forget involved a vampire and now the irony is that he is seeing a vampire who he is falling in love with. Chelle, like Josh, has nightmares that go back sixteen years when she witnessed the murder of her father and mother, when she was only five. Both Josh and Chelle deserve to be loved and be able to put their horrific pasts behind them but there are too many secrets between them.

This is my dream series because paranormal romance involving vampires is my all-time favorite. Secrets, surprises, romance, sex and amazing characters who I look forward to making an appearance in the next book. To date there are seven books in this series, and this is the second one I have read and hip-hip-hooray I have five more to go. Can’t recommend this series highly enough..

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