Thirds Series Book 6
M/M Paranormal UF
Dreamspinner Press
February 5, 2016

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
Well Ms Cochet, you got me on this book. I thought the Calvin and Hobbs book would be a place where we could take a break from killing and maiming a bit, see the gang and party a bit and keep the angst to a lower level…..Yeah like a filler book. BUT NOOOOO not you, you threw so many curves I didn’t see coming …YOU left me a hot mess.
We are of course in the middle of a war and I get it. The scenes where our guys are in danger I sweat. I even feel I know what the hospital looks like already…..But it’s all about this team, and how they want to make the world a better place, risking everything to achieve it.
We get to be in the inside of Calvin’s head, what his job is being the sniper means to him and you make us see the cost it takes for him to make a final kill. Unbelievably great piece of writing. Then there is our big boy Ethan, finally getting with the program and finding a lover and a friend. The camaraderie you bring to the table between team members is not forced; each character now has a place along with the extended families.
The 1920’s Birthday Party was priceless in description…Each costume described was perfect for you cast. You know your people well and it shows. We did have some exciting visits from other members of the teams and family members and learned things we did not expect. I do not want to give away any other parts and spoilers just had to mention the ending is a killer though….I can’t say enough about this series except to tell everyone Dive In!!