The Masonville Series Book 1
Contemporary Romance
The Wild Rose Press, Inc
February 20, 2019

Lauren didn't intend to sleep with her brother-in-law Cole on the day of her husband's funeral. But now that she is pregnant, she's not sorry. Cole's given her a baby, a long-wished-for miracle. He's been her friend forever, though she never told him or anyone else how unhappy her marriage to his cheating brother was. And she's afraid to tell the small town that considered her husband a hero that the baby isn't his.
Cole's been in love with Lauren since he was sixteen. It kills him that everyone believes the baby is his dead brother's. All he wants is to claim the baby, and Lauren, as his own. Though she marries him, will Lauren's heart ever be his?
Lauren must tell the truth or risk losing Cole. Is her newly-discovered love for him greater than her fear of scandal in her hometown?
Reviewed by: Linda Tonis
Member of the Paranormal Romance Review Team
Lauren Walsh was married to her husband Billy for five years during which time he cheated and lied to her and now she is standing over his grave site while everyone around is mourning him and she can’t. It is on this very day that somehow she and Cole, Billy’s brother found themselves alone and Lauren needed to feel alive and needed comfort which she never got from Billy that led to her and Cole having sex. Cole has loved her since he was sixteen years old and never stopped but now all he feels is guilt for taking advantage of her during her time of pain.
Lauren finds out she is pregnant and there is no doubt that Cole is the father but it doesn’t take long before she realizes that admitting to that would cause nothing but embarrassment to her and her family and so she allows everyone to believe it is Billy’s baby she is carrying. Knowing about Lauren’s pregnancy and feeling a need to give her and her baby a sense of security Cole asks her to marry him. Although he hopes the marriage will be real and loving he can’t get the thought out of his mind that Lauren compares him to Billy and could never love him, but they do marry.
This was a beautiful love story with two people who had a terrible time communicating their feelings for one another, Cole knows the baby is his but he knows that it is going to be a secret, one that he has to live with because everyone believes Lauren is carrying Billy’s baby. Lauren who never admitted to anyone what kind of man Billy was and now has trouble admitting to her feelings for Cole who she has always loved as a friend but now that love is deeper.
Of course there is Ella the mother-in-law from Hell who also was the mother from Hell because she loved Billy to distraction while ignoring her other son Cole. Convinced that Billy will live again in his child the truth would crush her if she ever found out. If the truth is told I won’t reveal but anyone who loves a good love story even though at times you would want to hit Cole and Lauren over their head for their stupidity will love this book.