Barista Boys Contemporary Gay Romance Book 1
LGBT Romance
July 6, 2016

Life gets complicated when the thing you want most in the world is for your best friend to be your lover.
For Danny Spears, sex is like fast food: cheap, convenient and ultimately unfulfilling. There’s only one man he really wants and that’s his best friend, Jude Greenwood. That’s never going to happen. As far as Jude’s concerned Danny’s not only his oldest and closest friend, he’s the big brother he never had. The trouble is, they’re no longer boys and Danny’s feelings for Jude are anything but brotherly.
Falling for one dead-end man after another in his search of his happy ever after, the only thing Jude ends up with is a broken heart and shattered dreams. Always there to pick him up and make things better, Danny could be Jude’s perfect man. There’s one big stumbling block: Danny doesn’t do boyfriends or relationships. Any fantasy Jude has about them ever getting together will have to remain just that – a fantasy.
A passionate kiss leads to a night together that was never meant to happen, and the shockwaves rock them both. Should they seize the chance to take their lives in a direction neither dreamed possible? But the stakes are high, and it takes courage to cross the line from friends to lovers. If they take that step, there’s no going back for either of them. Their lives will change forever, but will it be for better or worse?
A sexy, sweet new adult friends to lovers story with a serious case of undeclared love laced with a healthy dose of angst, Danny & Jude is the first in the Barista Boys contemporary gay romance series.
Each story charts the loves and lives of the men who work in a quirky little café in the heart of London’s Soho: Barista Boys, where it’s not just the coffee that’s hot.
Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer & Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
I did mention that I have just been introduced to this new author when I reviewed the first book in her Deviant Heart Series last week. While that series was a bit darker ……I can see Barista Boys Series might be a bit lighter and was the first one a sweet, sweet story of Danny and Jude.
Being best friends forever, they had each other’s backs thru school and now roomies working at Barista Boys Coffee Shop. They are each gay; having experimented together as young boys, deciding to keep themselves in separate dating fields. Danny, a love ‘em and leave ‘em type, and Jude, the ever wanting to be swept away on a white horse.
Now each one faces that maybe they were not meant to be separate…..A.E. Ryecart writes a loving, ‘friends to lovers’ story. She has the reader, sad, laughing, and finally groaning but definitely rooting for these two young men.
Thoroughly loved it and have purchased book 2 in each series….will certainly keep you informed!