Whyborne & Griffin Book 11
Historical Fantasy witches
October 11, 2019

Whyborne, Griffin, and their friends have faced down cultists, monsters, and sorcerers. But their greatest challenge is now upon them.
On the return voyage from Balefire Manor, Whyborne receives the worst news possible: Widdershins has fallen before the onslaught of the Fideles and their servants. There’s still time to stop the return of the Masters, but that window grows shorter by the hour.
Together with Christine and Iskander, Whyborne and Griffin must reach Widdershins to face the ultimate test—and decide the fate of the world, once and for all.
Reviewed by Gloria Lakritz
Sr. Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
It’s been 6 years since I read Widdershins, Wybornne and Griffin book one. At its inception was quite different than those M/M Romances that were being released and it caught on with quite a following.
An imaginary town, in Victorian America, where a reclusive young man, Percival Endicott Wybornne and an ex Pinkerton detective, Griffin Flaherty are thrown together to solve a mystery. It was magic!
It is a time where men were very careful of showing interest in each other. It was a time of dressing for dinner, traveling by coach and maybe train. From a rich family, Wybornne studied languages and was now employed at The Ladysmith Museum; locked in the bowels of the building hiding from life until a mystery brought the two together.
Ten books later, Ms. Hawk has taken us on quite a ride. With magic and monsters, some being the human kind she has taken us all over the world with this story along with his friend Christine, his sister Persephone and of course now the love of his life Griffin.
In this Book #11, Ms. Hawk has certainly ended as she began, with giving the reader an ending to satisfy.
It is with great joy and much sadness this will be “the Final Chapter”, but I wouldn’t have it any other way…. We can know that Widdershins does “know its own’ and our people have found all they need to be happy. This book certainly did her story justice to the last THE END. Thank you for the wild ride Ms. Hawk