Colby Agency: Family Secrets
Mystery Romance
Harlequin Intrigue
March 1, 2016

Review by Gloria Lakritz
Sr Reviewer and Review Chair for the Paranormal Romance Guild
The team of Debra Webb and Regan Black are at it again !!!! This newest of The Colby Agency has it all, romance, great mystery and quite a thriller. Francesca Leone aka Frankie to her friends has been injured in an OP as a Navy Seal. While hospitalized her beloved father a US Army General has been charged with terrible crimes against his country, who has been tried, convicted and found guilty of treason. To this end he commits suicide, and leaves a daughter unbelieving her father was guilty.
Finally able to walk after therapy from the ID that struck her convoy, Frankie is now working a stateside desk job. Estranged from her mother who she feels helped her Dad be convicted, Frankie is visited by a stranger named John who claims he knew her Dad and leads her to a safe deposit box filled with personal and classified information.
After traveling to Arizona to get the contents of the box, Frankie decides to ask for help, from a family friend Victoria Colby- Camp, travelling to the windy city, Chicago.
It is here Victoria, enlists the aid of Aiden Abbot former Interpol agent working for her company to work the case and protect Frankie. So now the setup is clear….we have a go!!!
I must tell you I read everything these ladies write, and the spell that they weave is magic. This story has so many elements for the reader, the mystery, the excitement, the ‘little white lie of fun’ telling Frankie’s mother that they are engaged. Aiden’s need to stop and buy Frankie an engagement ring…was to die for!!!! I also loved the serious step by step workings of two researchers working together for a common goal and to see that love that can grow between two people who respect each other made it even more believable….A not to be missed story.